which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct?

The cognitive monster: The case against the controllability of automatic stereotype effects. As you can see in Figure 12.4 Perceptual Accentuation, the experiment involved having research participants judge the length of six lines. b. Well-meaning comments are never insulting. use of beauty products. c. A researcher conducts a series of interviews with new immigrants to the United States who came from Central America. If employees receive a contribution of 3% of total compensation, then an . Stereotyping is problematic when the stereotypes we hold about a social group are inaccurate overall, and particularly when they do not apply to the individual who is being judged (Stangor, 1995). females as caregivers and males as workers." The Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended (``EPCA''), prescribes energy conservation standards for various consumer products and certain commercial and industrial equipment, including residential clothes washers (``RCWs''). c) Data classification and application categorization must be; Question: Which of the following statements is true about data classification and application categorization for sensitivity? Thirty years of investigating the own-race bias in memory for faces: A meta-analytic review. The Stanford prison experiment led researchers to conclude which of the following? d. integrate schools. b. had innate qualities that were different but that could be modified through socialization. a. color blindness is a means of maintaining racial equality. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Simplify the answer when possible . 182222). d. displacement. a. displacement Contextual moderation of racial bias: The impact of social roles on controlled and automatically activated attitudes. Annual non-discrimination testing is required for a plan that integrates with Social Security. 4 situational. Most people do not want to admiteither to themselves or to othersthat they hold stereotypes or that they are prejudiced toward some social groups. A researcher sends two sets of Hispanic undergraduates out to interact with others and find out how people stigmatize one of two conditions: a student who speaks limited English or a student who is clearly fluent in English. c. racialization. d. as successful and assertive. Social categorization occurs when we think of someone as a man (versus a woman), an old person (versus a young person), a Black person (versus an Asian or White person), and so on (Allport, 1954/1979). Therefore, new challenges for public . Essential Principles to Create an Equitable, Inclusive, and Diverse EMS d. El Salvador, Unlike other Latino immigrants, these immigrants were mainly educated people from white-collar and professional backgrounds. In R. V. Kail (Ed. Which if the following is the correct definition of cognitive dissonance? performance on cognitive tasks than does _____ sexism. by pressing either the Yes button or the No button using either their left hand or their right hand. Even when we think we are being completely fair, we may nevertheless be using our stereotypes to condone discrimination (Chen & Bargh, 1999). Which of the following statements concerning social categorization is None of these choices. d. the cultural inferiority of blacks, In 2017, among full-time workers, which group has the lowest weekly earnings? Research suggests that we are more easily influenced by an attractive speaker than by an unattractive speaker. The most popular reaction-time implicit measure of prejudicethe Implicit Association Test (IAT)is frequently used to assess stereotypes and prejudice (Nosek, Greenwald, & Banaji, 2007). During the year, the following transactions occurred. d. pluralism. What is a characteristic of white privilege? The results of these studies, as well as other studies like them, were clear: People perceive outgroups as more homogeneous than the ingroup. Psychological Science, 14(3), 287290. a. Asian American women are featured in greater numbers than are any other women of color. b. Martin Luther King Jr. 12.1 Social Categorization and Stereotyping Learning Objectives Describe the fundamental process of social categorization and its influence on thoughts, feelings, and behavior. b. African Americans a. stereotyping. a. Chapter 12: Social Psychology Flashcards | Quizlet b. institutional racism. b. benevolent sexism. Categorization - Wikipedia . Ann Hopkins filed a lawsuit against Price Waterhouse asserting that her promotion for On January 1, 2014, Everett Corporation had these stockholders equity accounts. c. parents perceptions of their infant's physical features closely match medical assessments. Why do you (or dont you) categorize? c. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders And self-fulfilling prophecies are ubiquitouseven teachers expectations about their students academic abilities can influence the students school performance (Jussim, Robustelli, & Cain, 2009). c. spotlighting 3 One confederate gave a correct response. c. Black women; Asian American women ), Handbook of motivation at school (pp. c. William Julius Wilson Those who view the Mexican American population as stagnating argue that Mexicans are going through a process called Which of the following statements best represents variation in racial and ethnic identification across countries? a. On philosophical idling: the ordinary language philosophy critique of True Alleviating womens mathematics stereotype threat through salience of group achievements. Meissner, C. A., & Brigham, J. C. (2001). I think you would agree that you are more likely to categorize yourself as a member of your college or university when your basketball or football team has just won a really important game, or at your commencement day ceremony, than you would on a normal evening out with your family. Gender stereotyping research that focused on social class has found that: a. there are no differences in the stereotypes applied to working-class and middle-class women. In Y. T. Lee, L. J. Jussim, & C. R. McCauley (Eds. . a. c. White women under age 35 Introduction The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups. Phelan, J. E., & Rudman, L. A. IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Health Communication in the Time of COVID-19 b. eugenics. d. all of the above. Empty cart. a. stereotyping. 1.1 Defining Social Psychology: History and Principles, 1.3 Conducting Research in Social Psychology, 2.3 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Social Cognition, 3.1 Moods and Emotions in Our Social Lives, 3.3 How to Feel Better: Coping With Negative Emotions, 3.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Social Affect, 4.3 The Social Self: The Role of the Social Situation, 4.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About the Self, 5.2 Changing Attitudes Through Persuasion, 5.3 Changing Attitudes by Changing Behavior, 5.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Attitudes, Behavior, and Persuasion, 6.2 Inferring Dispositions Using Causal Attribution, 6.3 Individual and Cultural Differences in Person Perception, 6.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Person Perception, 7.3 Person, Gender, and Cultural Differences in Conformity, 7.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Conformity, 8.2 Close Relationships: Liking and Loving Over the Long Term, 8.3 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Liking and Loving, 9.1 Understanding Altruism: Self and Other Concerns, 9.2 The Role of Affect: Moods and Emotions, 9.3 How the Social Context Influences Helping, 9.5 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Altruism, 10.2 The Biological and Emotional Causes of Aggression, 10.3 The Violence Around Us: How the Social Situation Influences Aggression, 10.4 Personal and Cultural Influences on Aggression, 10.5 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Aggression, 11.2 Group Process: The Pluses and Minuses of Working Together, 11.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Social Groups, 12.1 Social Categorization and Stereotyping, 12.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination, 13.1 Conflict, Cooperation, Morality, and Fairness, 13.2 How the Social Situation Creates Conflict: The Role of Social Dilemmas, 13.3 Strategies for Producing Cooperation, 13.4 Thinking Like a Social Psychologist About Cooperation and Competition. 1 It occurs without conscious awareness. d. Black women under age 35, Compared to 30 years ago, modern children's school textbooks: b. In one study assessing stereotypes, Stephanie Madon and her colleagues (Madon et al., 2001) presented U.S. college students with a list of 84 trait terms and asked them to indicate for which groups each trait seemed appropriate (Figure 12.6 Current Stereotypes Held by College Students). b) the influences of the social world in which we exist. (2011). b. as comic or eccentric figures c. Authoritarianism reflects patterns of thought in general rather than a particular personality type. Race and ethnicity shape internal and external perceptions of a group. B. Healthy-minded individuals can be coerced into demonstrating unlikely behaviors. b. This truth may come in part from the roles that individuals play in society. Which of the following statements are accurate? Alex says to his friend, "That man is incredibly rude." Which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? One difficulty in measuring stereotypes and prejudice is that people may not tell the truth about their beliefs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80(4), 645654. Reggie goes to a private academy and plays on the varsity basketball team. Indeed, social categorization occurs so quickly that people may have difficulty not thinking about others in terms of their group memberships (see Figure 12.3). but that reflect a more negative connotation for the female term. What is this scenario an example of? 4 Social categorization is a relatively new phenomenon. A., Greenwald, A. G., & Banaji, M. R. d. Authoritarianism reflects patterns of thought in general as well as the values and norms of particular subcultures within the wider society. Psychological Bulletin, 76(5), 349364. Controlling urges and selecting the appropriate response are b. c) the real, imagined, or implied presence of others. Both PERT and CPM require that network tasks have unchanging durations. a. Some popular music lyrics contain explicit sexual references which often are degrading to Experiencing prejudice can lead one to demonstrate behaviors that reinforce a stereotype. d. none of the above. b. modern sexism and benevolent sexism. Our stereotypes influence not only our judgments of others but also our beliefs about ourselves, and even our own performance on important tasks. Looking for truth in all the wrong places? diffusion of ability, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. Without power, the fish in the fish tanks at each store will die. 3 His remark is based on a stereotype. Automatic category activation and social behaviour: The moderating role of prejudiced beliefs. Tajfel, H., & Wilkes, A. L. (1963). The presence of these outsiders might change the direction of social categorization entirely, leading both John and Sarah to think of themselves as students at their own college. b. more agentic than traditionally titled women. On which (if any) social categories do you categorize others? (2003). a. multiculturalism. Which of the following is not true of Ann Hopkins' legal battle? FA Judgement of Numerical Equivalence and Numerical Categorization by c. The media tend to portray Latinas in low-status occupations. d. The majority of teen magazines for girls focus on self and career development more than on Which of the following statements best describes the break-even point? c. Cuban Americans Based on research presented in the c. all ethnic groups in a society retain their independent and separate identities yet share equally in the rights and powers of citizenship. a. there are no differences in the way parents view their newborn daughters and sons. b. Latinas b. Brown, R. (1995). A company uses the indirect method to determine its cash flows from operating activities. Ecological ethics and the smart circular economy - Rolien Hoyng, 2023 Incidence and Risk Patterns of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders - JAMA d. modern sexism. a. Mexican Americans Social traps do not benefit groups sharing the same interest because two groups focused on fulfilling their own best interest without acknowledging the actions of the other group involved often leads to neither group benefiting. Categorization is the ability and activity of recognizing shared features or similarities between the elements of the experience of the world (such as objects, events, or ideas), organizing and classifying experience by associating them to a more abstract group (that is, a category, class, or type), on the basis of their traits, features, similarities or other criteria that are universal to . Stone, J. Belinda is part of a jury that is split evenly between those who feel the defendant is guilty and those who feel the defendant is not guilty. In K. R. Wenzel & A. Wigfield (Eds. 1.) Nosek, B. The figure shows links between the social category of college professors and its stereotypes as a type of neural network or schema. Notably, the image in Figure 1 is also a stock photo supplied by one of the world's largest commercial image banks, Getty Images.As we say, newspapers and other news media outlets increasingly source their images this way, with fewer . Swim, J. K. (1994). b. working-class women are perceived more negatively than are middle-class women. c. Few whites benefit from white privilege. Macrae, C. N., Bodenhausen, G. V., Milne, A. d. Native Americans, Which group has lived in the United States longer than all other immigrant groups besides Anglo-Saxons, yet faces the segregation and poverty that was only a transitional phase for the other groups? 1 "I did a good job because I'm smart." a. whites Lines C and D were seen as the same length in the noncategorized condition, but line C was perceived as longer than line D when the lines were categorized into two groups. Group socialization and prejudice: The social transmission of intergroup attitudes and beliefs. a. her "macho" style New York, NY: Psychology Press. the natural cognitive process by which we place individuals into social groups. The pet store owners discover that the power will not be restored for many days. Principles of Social Psychology by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. d. poor diet. Confusing one person with another: What errors reveal about the elementary forms of social relations. "The typical job applicant worries about his chances of getting the job." What is important is to reduce the self-concern that is engaged when we consider the relevant negative stereotypes. McIntyre, R. B., Paulson, R. M., & Lord, C. G. (2003). media coverage than women competing in more masculine team sports such as basketball or In one of the experimental conditions, participants simply saw six lines, whereas in the other condition, the lines were systematically categorized into two groupsone comprising the three shorter lines and one comprising the three longer lines. c. as active, mature adults A. 1. the standards and values of dominant groups 2. various groups' power within society 3. the standards and values of subordinate groups 4. social interaction The standards and values of dominant groups, various groups' power within society, and social interaction b. On the other hand, we sometimes categorize others not because it seems to provide more information about them but because we may not have the time (or the motivation) to do anything more thorough. highly achievement-oriented, independent and ambitious. And this social categorization might lead them to become more aware of the positive characteristics of their college (the excellent basketball team, lovely campus, and intelligent students) in comparison with the characteristics of the other school. White women Which of these four statements about self-report measures of attitude are correct? Beliefs about the characteristics of the groups and the members of those groups are known as stereotypes. This is an example of 26 percent; 6 percent (2006). d. had qualities of behavior or temperament that were innate and could not be altered. Linnaeus assumed that each subgroup The results of Crandall's studies on bulimia in sororities are consistent with which of the following statements? b. African Americans doi: 10.1177/0146167201278007. View Bus311.docx from BUSI 311 at Liberty University. C) The more complex the category, the less likely we are to use prototype theory. b. serve to justify and maintain patriarchal social structures. c. hostile; modern c. often respond with silence, though they experience the interaction as an insult. The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (2007). a. stereotyping? If men think that women are all alike, then they may also think that they all have the same characteristicstheyre all emotional and weak. And women may have similarly simplified beliefs about men (theyre insensitive, unwilling to commit, etc.). Solved 1.) Which of the following statements | Chegg.com which of the following statements concerning social categorization is a. Latina women d. Loyalty e. All of the above are. Which statement is an accurate characterization of the concept of race? De facto segregation, or segregation "in fact," was completely eliminated. British Journal of Social Psychology, 33(3), 331343. An example of a superordinate goal would be two individuals who want to move a heavy couch out of their apartment. Because stereotypes and prejudice often operate out of our awareness, and also because people are frequently unwilling to admit that they hold them, social psychologists have developed methods for assessing them indirectly. Dwayne was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. Brian's A white person tells an Asian American person that they "speak good English." social loafing a. a. stress It is the largest part of the diencephalon and serves as a relay station to all the main sensory tracts (except the olfactory pathways). c. Donald Trump's presidency is seen as a new era of covert racism. d. a and b, Which of the following statements about the differential treatment of females and males in d. from 2008 to today, Of the choices listed, which is a commonwealth of the United States? \end{array} Although Anthony, an African American, was more productive at work than Francisco, a Hispanic American, Anthony was given a raise but not Francisco because the owner believed that Hispanic Americans are better workers than African Americans. When the responses are arranged on the screen in a matching way, such that the male category and the strong category are on the same side of the screen (e.g., on the right side), participants can do the task very quickly and they make few mistakes. 3 behavioral Of course, you may think that you personally do not behave in these ways, and you may not. b. d. a and b, Which of the following statements regarding college athletes is/are not true? The statements were controlled so that across all the research participants, the statements made by the men and the women were of equal length and quality. III. b. abilities 1 point? 3, pp. a. prejudice. The conclusion is simple, if perhaps obvious: Social categorization is occurring all around us all the time. a. show less gender bias The tendency to categorize others is normally quite useful. a. b. c. In the 2000 Olympics, women who competed in sports involving power or physical contact c. working-class women are perceived more positively than are middle-class women. a. laws limiting the rights of blacks in the South after the Civil War Which statement about Theodor Adorno's research would Adorno most agree with? One common measure involves asking participants to take a seat on a chair near a person from a different racial or ethnic group and measuring how far away the person sits (Sechrist & Stangor, 2001; Word, Zanna, & Cooper, 1974). d. depiction of female communion and male agency, Currently, nearly equal numbers of females and males appear as central characters in: San Diego, CA: Elsevier. Unit 6 Flashcards by Lauren Pulido | Brainscape a. Germany; rural b. Puerto Rican Americans Gender stereotyping research that focused on the ethnicity of the target found that: a. genetic factors d. social role theory. Lee, Y. T., Jussim, L. J., & McCauley, C. R. (1995). Immigrants are sometimes blamed for low wages. b. nationalism. d. a and b, Which of the following statements regarding the portrayal of women of color on television is/are Classification and quantitative judgment. Because Asian students are aware of the stereotype that Asians are good at math, reminding them of this fact before they take a difficult math test can improve their performance on the test (Walton & Cohen, 2003). 2 the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You want to visit Argentina, but your attitude about Argentina is changing as you read the news about the kidnappings that have occurred there. [Solved] It is common for epidemiologists to measure continuous a. Stangor, C., & Duan, C. (1991). Weight, BMI, age, blood pressure, and physical activity are other familiar variables commonly placed into categories. In some cases, we categorize because doing so provides us with information about the characteristics of people who belong to certain social groups (Lee, Jussim, & McCauley, 1995). Social psychology is the scientific study of how a person's behavior, thoughts, and feelings are influenced by _______. Thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories, such as believing that all French people like to wear striped shirts, is best described as (1999). Social perception and interpersonal behavior: On the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(9), 656666. a. In the next section we will consider two of these approachesthe bogus pipeline procedure and the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Which statement is most consistent with the textbook's conclusions about race? B., & Jetten, J. Furthermore, aspects of language, such as accent, play a crucial role in the . According to the text, gender stereotypes: Research on gender stereotypes shows that college students and faculty view: Studies show that college students and faculty view the ideal woman as having: According to available research, which of the following ethnic groups engages in less gender. Which of the following statements concerning social categorization is A) The more complex the category, the more susceptible it is to illusion of the expert. a. Which statement best characterizes the textbook's assessment of the Trump presidency? c. Black children and white children still attend separate schools in most rural areas of the South. Which of the following forms of prejudice was not portrayed in the above scenario? At this point, we would probably not consider them to be acting as group members, but rather as two individuals. I start with some of the early challenges to the widely-employed philosophical method of casesthe very challenges that originally prompted the new movement of experimental philosophyand with some fundamental questions about the method that are yet to have been given satisfying answers. The representation also includes one image (or exemplar) of a particular college professor whom the student knows. c. Although adults apply gender stereotypes to children, these stereotypes are different from the Which of the following is not an example of masculine generic language? 2 A girl marries the boy next door. Following the social norm made one more popular. Review the ways that stereotypes influence our behavior. a. the history of racial segregation 4 We tend to attribute our successes to our own efforts and our failures to the shortcomings of others. c. Africa. Which of the following is not an assumption of the social categorization perspective on Out of mind but back in sight: Stereotypes on the rebound. Ethan is a white man who has Scottish ancestry and wore a kilt to his wedding. Over the past half-century, the South has lost all gains in desegregation made since 1954the year of the ______ decision. worship-and-biblical-worldview-theo-104. Blackwell Publishing A man cuts in front of the line and drops his items on the counter. In the climate of great uncertainty characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic, health communication played a significant role: several communicative strategies and channels were used to inform, educate and alert. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is Prejudice: Its social psychology. c. antimiscegenation The social group viewed as the one with which a person identifies is called a(n) ________. Perform the indicated operation. 1 The task difficulty was increased. c. segregation. C. A worker receives benefits only if the work-related injury was not his or her fault. In this sense, the stereotypes are at least partly true for many of the members of the social category, in terms of their actual behaviors. Both Middle Easterners and North Africans are white. Benefits include medical care costs and disability income. women. d. all of the above, Which of the following groups of individuals is least likely to be seen on television? b. women under age 35; women over age 35 Psychological defense in anticipation of anxiety: Eliminating the potential for anxiety eliminates the effect of mortality salience on worldview defense. a. racism b. British Journal of Psychology, 54, 101114. d. Middle Easterners are nonwhite and North Africans are white. Taylor, S. E., Fiske, S. T., Etcoff, N. L., & Ruderman, A. J. Stereotypes are the beliefs associated with social categories. All Hispanics are white. There are several pairs of terms for females and males that have the same objective meaning 20 Confidentiality c. Integrity. Which communicator would likely be the MOST persuasive? which of the following statements concerning social categorization is b. discriminating. . Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable? c. working-class women are perceived more positively than are middle-class women. Generics express generalizations, but unlike quantified statements, generics do not carry information about how many members of the kind or category have the property. Eastern Europe. I can't believe that I missed it!" b. b. emigration. After they had viewed all the statements made by the individuals in the discussion group, the research participants were given a memory test (this was entirely unexpected for the participants who had not been given memory instructions). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66(1), 2136. At present, there are three paramedics and two physicians on duty during each shift. Prejudices can be difficult to change despite contradicting evidence. c. racialization. You can see that these social categorizations may create some potential for misperception, and perhaps even hostility. a. often misunderstand what was really an innocent comment. Patricia Linville and Edward Jones (1980) gave research participants a list of trait terms and asked them to think about either members of their own group (e.g., Blacks) or members of another group (e.g., Whites) and to place the trait terms into piles that represented different types of people in the group. In these situations, there is a discrepancy between our positive concept of our skills and abilities and the negative stereotypes suggesting poor performance. Imagine for a moment that two college students, John and Sarah, are talking at a table in the student union at your college or university. Once we do so, we begin to respond to those people more as members of a social group than as individuals.

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which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct?