what happened to diane coy

Pastor Bob Coy and his wife Diane led a Florida ministry that grew to include satellite locations in Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, West Boca, Plantation, Hollywood, and the Keys, according to SunSentinel. Just go to Benny Hinns website if you want that ? And there they go, a lamb is not a lion a lion and a lamb are the same lol, anybody want a pretzel? Is it a place to raise up believers to Go out and make disciples? http://www.charismanews.com/us/43401-confessing-moral-failure-megachurch-pastor-bob-coy-resigns-calvary-chapel-fort-lauderdale, Ok, Ill just vent then. The Apostle Peter in Acts 2 at Pentecost states that Christ sitting on Davids throne is a present day event. The next year, he raised an insane $103 million in donations the most by a single megachurch to date. Thats not being victimized, thats being tempted by women who need healing not exploitation. All the CC folks on here are quick to point out that the CC leaders are sinners and flawed. When we objectify we act as gods. Please try to have compassion and understanding for those who struggle with sexual sin. Get your own. Dusty, sorry for shooting from the hip on that one. He instructs and guides us into all truth, and seals us for the day of redemption. I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? This church is a huge corporation and operates by the laws of the State of Florida and the U.S. I truly pray for him and his family. I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Its the 2nd & 3rd looks that are sin. Thank you, pstrmike. Time for restoration. From that inner circle of men trying to navigate this atrocityI really doubt they want everyone they have shared Christ with for years to hear the details about their beloved pastor???? The ecstasy of the evil one, and the sighing of the Lord begin with the actual sins of the pastor and the unfathomable wreckage now in the wake. No, my answer is well beyond convenient, it is crafted after years of thought, consideration and observation. "These guys have been covering for Coy for a long time," Newnham says, "and they're still covering for him now." To Michael (#646), It isnt the case that the MLK crime scene was unprotected. You are working hard to put people into a mold. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. I dont know anything about John Hagee (I dont watch TV), and as for Chuck Missler, I never listened to him. He believes the false gospel of lordship salvation which cannot save. You judge that we are judging him, when the truth is it was his board who judged him and found him guilty as heck. Moe- I thought of the verse Does a dog return to its vomit. As I read posts of support, I want to point out that there were many of us who attended this church faithfully for many years..and we were indirectly harmed by this church under this mans leadership- If you did not fit into the box you were forced out. MLD #681. MLD, I do believe that satan is bound with a chain of some sort. I have to be totally confident that Im right. I think the blogger has the best synopsis of what the biblical model is to do in this case. Ill note #10 as I update the article shortly. Coy certainly paid a heavy price for his infidelity: His family has broken to pieces, and his chapels packed with thousands of adoring fans have been replaced with a half-full nightclub in Boca. Michael- The attacks you are receiving remind me of the attacks I got when I was at that church attempting to do good. I think he (Stanley) was the first to do this. He has been overtaken in trespass now it is time to win. Let me also say this. That would include the pornography stars. His picture is in every one of your posts. i heart sheck wrote: And, I dont see anyone coming to the defense of his co-sinners. So so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, does not equal your version of Satan was bound so we could have worldwide disneyland. tim petrovic career earnings what happened to diane coy. Whats George Zimmerman up to these days? Those that think me wrong for doing so, should set the example for me, and let it go. When a Todd Bently or a Jim Bakker fell it was a totally different reaction for me as I saw them as dangerous men due to their teaching, etc. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. Thanks for the suggestion, I am not going to go the Mega route right now since I am very need of the Body as a family at this juncture of my life. Please provide verse my bible does NOT say bar code. Answer mine first! Give it to God. Its a gift you have that really helps me have a better understanding of things. Its not that I am questioning you, just that what you say rings truer to what I have heard in the past. There is more nonsense on that site than I think Ive ever seen piled in one place. So heres to you hypocrites as you go to bed tonight and pull out the pleasure files! You must be great at bringing people the Good News. he separates the sheep and the goats 3.) The youth pastor was set up to be the fall guy. Who is Kassanndra Cantrell? I know I know you would never do such a thing. What about their families? I would say this before you do anything , cry out to the Lord on your own and I mean CRY OUT!! But he declines to share the results of the test, which he says was not done for the police. Note that MLDs hateful 695 doesnt even consider my 694, about unnecessary strong verbiage. As it is biblical to do so. Why are we sitting there looking at people performing on stage anyway? Do you REALLY think that the shame would be easier to bear? 10 czerwca 2022 Where were his accountability partners??? why did your wife divorce you, were you unfaithful? The difference is: Peter had a one-time crisis of faith that was immediately repented of and perhaps more permanently cured by the Resurrection. Really? Unfortunately, many accountability relationships fail for a variety of reasons. But pray for those who obviously need it and consider your ability to forgive as you would pray He would forgive you, for we all have sinned and fallen short. Failings that are evidence of deep and chronic character flaws by their nature require a different kind of remediation. BTW, Flynn, that might prove 3 1/2 years of tribulation, not 7. who have been chosen ACCORDING TO THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD THE FATHER, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance. I admit that I sin regularly yet there has been a transformation that has taken place within me. These are well documented facts. Your blessed sermons brought so many to the Lord. "Our former pastor was caught in sin," Lowe said April 16, according to the Sun Sentinel. Not everything that calls itself Christian, actually is. [2] When confronted with his sin he stepped down, he could have fought it or refused to step down as many have, but he didnt. This isnt about me, and by making it about me, you bear false witness and sin yourself. We arent saved by our actions, we arent saved by our morality, we arent saved by our correct doctrine. Their lawsuit was dismissed this past July. Please reveal your sources, or at least generically their affiliation to Calvary Chapelor leave the story alone and let the church handle it in house.thank you, AND GOD BLESS YOU!! come now and get real it is plain as day, that if you really read the Bible with all your heart you would know that the mark of the beast is a bar code stamped on your forehead. So crazy that I became addicted to cocaine.". vimeo.com. So good to hear from Diane Coy as - Good News Media Group - Facebook It was failing, no one knew it because they were told and shown drawings of a new church in the works. Ill make you a deal, Lorenzo, well part company tonight, and I will think of my children who have made me proud, and walk upstairs with my wife, the wife of my youth and love of my life, and we will fall asleep in each others arms, whispering prayers of thankfulness for each other. 87 . Unless you have any evidence to prove differently you are wrong. We can all get through this. Pastor Bob had suddenly resigned, the assistant pastor told the stunned crowd. Because of the way The Holy Spirit used Pastor Bobs Ministry my Wife , kids and I are all saved ! I have consciously stopped being friends with certain guys because there was too much of a bond being created that could have gone on to be something more. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. "When Pastor Bob left, people definitely left too because they wanted to follow him or because they were just hurt," says Healy, the longtime church member. Thats when the celebrity status began. Yes, wasted. You are correct. Did he confess before or after he was busted? Many members expressed disappointment, encouragement, and hope on the church's Facebook page. Lol. Sharon Leone (Diane Farr) is Vince's wife and the Chief of Division 1501 on the CBS original drama, Fire Country. What about the husbands and children of the women you use just for kicks, so you dont get bored? So where do you attend church? Become a member to support the independent voice of South Florida So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. For one thing if you had accountability partners and people that youre answerable to like you claim, then you would not have this blog as a tool of Satan, accusing the brethren, you are just a discontented wannabe pastor who meets in a living room with 10 people, criticizing and begrudging the work of God because youre not part of it! The message to Nebuchadnezzar is however long it takes for you to learn who is the Most High God.. Coy isnt not saved for his moral failure, hes simply human with a dual nature that can produce both good and bad fruit from the same tree.just as atheist friends of mine and Mormon friends of mine produce both good fruit (sometimes more than evangelicals) and bad fruit from the same tree. I cant agree with this statement at all. Coy has also been dragged through legal battlefields since his resignation from the church. "Never.". I have been lurking the past few days and your rabid attacks on Michael are evidence of your profound dissatisfaction with yourself and your need to project your own dissonance on him, me or others who you refuse to dialog with. I have been married over 45 yrs and am almost Muslim like when I come in the presence of other women. It was not readily available. No sin overtakes us, except what is common to man. What is HIS selfish and SATAN centered motive for this exposure?????? #469 Fidel dumped his own church to go back to CCFL because his church was failing. "We are not led by a board of elders.". Let the rescue mission begin. Lots of stories here. The two faced aspect of all of this. And this must continue for no less than the time it takes to convince (with actions/not words) the Body that the work they see in Bob is Gods and not Bobs. My hearts desire was for healing and restoration of the many people he hurt and for his repentance. So pray for those left in the wake that HE made. An indiscretion with a woman..ok.two women is ok in this culture. I wish only good things for Lorenzo. Coy, who was never charged with a crime, lay low after leaving Calvary but recently turned up at Boca Raton's Funky Biscuit, where he helps manage the club. His gray goatee is neatly trimmed, and he wears a light-blue plaid shirt and expensive jeans. Vince hated that Sharon wasnt thinking about them, but he couldnt stop thinking about them. May todays revelations be just one more step in your growth as a person of faith. I did. CCFTL knew this could break wide open by Friday night/Saturday morning. Diane's son survived the accident with several injuries and the passengers in the Tracker suffered minor injuries. Grow up. Their fellowship there- and their clichs-their high class restaurant-a place to impress non-believers so they can get saved there and their position of importance was more important than standing up for the truth. Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. Listen to his own words here: http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/John-MacarthurMark-of-the-Beast.html. really? Peace. Can you provide Scripture which states that in apocalyptic literature every time there is a mention of thrones, it is a heavenly scene and not an earthy scene? Googlogian. Miami New Times, which first reported on the child abuse accusations against Coy on Tuesday, said that the 61-year-old founder of the 25,000-member megachurch in Florida is denying the allegations. We who are conservative Christians love to lecture the world about their sins. I hear you, but keep it PG. Though we may seem callous about what has transpired, that could not be further from the truth. I find it doubtful that one 4 yr old girl was forced to do this and it happened to not one other person when she says it happened repeatedly? Power corrupts. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. I dont have to answer this question, since, I believe in contending for every point of doctrine, even the secondary issues. The problem is that youre not with Christ Jesus, who looked at Peter with compassion, but youre with a different being, an angelic being who accuses the brethren day and night! You surely mustve know that stealing was wrong or dealing drugs was wrong or fornicating was wrong etc. What was the result of your victimization? Youre saying he was fired which is inaccurate. Ill let the matter stand. you can sit in your home, not spend a dime and the world of sex is at your fingertips. Florida Megachurch Pastor Resigns Due To 'Moral Failure'. The earthly issue? The sin that I spoke about happened 24 years ago, but the hurt caused is still fresh in my heart. . What would Jesus do? So yes we still sin after salvation as our flesh and spirit do battle and will continue to do so until the day we die. You chose to join in I did not initiate the conversation. When it comes to blasting issues like Gay marriage from the pulpitsCC uses newspaper, tv, radio you name it. Well I thought perhaps you had grown conveniently deaf at the question and needed me to shout it out so you could hear it clearly and answer it! I will remind all in this blog that Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart. Diane Schuler - What ACTUALLY Happened to Aunt Diane - YouTube Normally Chuck would have not wasted this asset unless what Coy did was to outrageous to cover up. The pain of church shopping is excruciating, especially since last time I was at Potential I was in tears over the horror I experienced there. MLD, no point in debating anything with you. Coy opened it to the Gospel of John, and by the time he hit 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" he said he was weeping uncontrollably. Neither Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, the movement's flagship, nor the Calvary Chapel Association returned messages from New Times seeking comment for this story. Our relationships with Jesus need to matter more than getting up in front of a crowd does. What about them? That was their choice, not mine. Two years later, her family sued Calvary, alleging leaders should have done more to stop Thomas. Michael, you know that this thread is going to deteriorate. CC is not all bad.its the best there is for getting away with bad behaviors! Whenever we see something like that on a show like this, it causes us to get concerned. The consequences suffered by the fallen leader will be very instrumental to how the sheep, who are in this flock, respond when faced with their own similar temptations. Which one of these statements do you not agree with Flynn? The interpretation is right there in the text he is telling the listeners that they are witnessing that very event.. You can keep attacking Luther it doesnt phase me one bit. You my friend constantly bring him up. Now, like all humbled sinners should, may he experience effective and redemptive compassion from those that love him. By the same token, I like the debate but blame others . 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. MLD is a long time blogger here and a Lutheran NOT a Calvinist. Lets come together as a body and shame the devil. He had admitted to a grave "moral failing." Im sorry you have experienced the pain you described and hope the best for you. Think about that, in light of Davids Bethsheba story. You keep making claims that are revealing of your stature. And I did ask Andy and others if they could make a connection between Isaiah and the millennium? Hes probably dirtier than Pastor Bob. Youre not speaking Gods words, youre talking out your sanctimonious backside and youre in sin. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. He did his best to always have accountability around him but I think its the pride more than the desire that got him. I have just called the church and confirmed. Lorenzo, http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/82410505140/a-2008-study-found-that-women-showed-signs-of, Ohhh, Lorenzo, bad form to shout in all caps. I am telling them to let him recover his heart, name and honor. The most serious claim against Calvary's national church came in 2011, when four men in Idaho filed a federal suit alleging a youth minister named Anthony Iglesias had molested them between 2000 and 2003. Thats the issue. What happened to Sharon? Did she die? - tvacute.com I know for sure that I wouldt want my own sin, and hypocrisy exposed for the whole world to see. Sharon, who has been given the news that she has chronic kidney illness, is content to spend the rest of her days with her husband, her children, and the profession she adores. 326 MICHAEL WHO MADE YOU MESSENGER?????????? Yes I do. These are differences in interpretation and traditionand they fall within orthodoxy. Is it true that women paid money to deny the commandment inI Timothy about women placing a priority on the cultivation of inward character over outward adornment by having high price spa and hair days? Barbara first off, that was not the question. Their congregation consists of approximately 20,000 members. I am just trying to do better myself. Now would be a good time to write us a full article on this issue. Nero was certainly anti-Christ though I personally would not ascribe the definite article. Bob Coy, at Liberty University's convocation in 2013. I craved the emotional and physical support I wasnt getting. May The Lord continue to bless you in your growth as you discover your gifts and calling and use them for the furtherance of his kingdom, my prayers are with you and CCFL, that God would be in complete and total control as he ordains those he has called to lead in this difficult hour, for we know that God is on the throne and he never fails! But this situation hurts my heart so much. Bode cared more about saving his mother than he did about himself. Some of us can duck arrows better then others. We are living in times unlike any other time in history, when did you ever hear of kids sexting, porn at the click of a button, drugs (marihuana) legalized, same sex marriage being made the law of the land, its a war the Bible says that is raging with the devil knowing that his time is short, woe onto you inhabitants of the earth for the devil comes down to you with great wrath knowing that his days are short So we have casualties of war, BC is a casualty of this war, one who needs healing and restoration, not expulsion and condemnation! I love God and Jesus so much that is why I feel and pray the best for Bob Coy and his family. Michael, how would you feel if you are saying was known and left a cyber carbon print? So do we go to punishment or restoration? What else do you claim to know better than Jesus. Yes, Praise God He has, but forgiveness does not always cancel consequences. MLD- Jesus wasnt literal and theres no book in your hand. No one really being in charge overseeing what was going on. Anonymous, if what you wrote is true, this is the most repulsive thing Ive read yet on this thread. As someone who has been a casualty of infidelity, such candor and humility helps to answer some of my own long unhealed hurts from that time. Show me one person who has not or does not. Michael has his little posse of the usual suspects, always looking for a lynching, like circling vultures at the scent of a wounded sojourner, depart from me for I never knew you, you workers of iniquity! Are the words those of your ilk will ever hear unless you repent, you shall know them by their fruits, and your fruit stinks! Maybe God never intended for Bob to have the mega church, Bob has said many times publically he would rather has a small congregation of true believers than thousands of people playing church. God has not finished the work that He started in this man, and He will work His miracles to restore what we as people see doomed. He quit the cocaine and strippers, met his wife, and moved to South Florida to preach. Bob, in my opinion, respects people that challenge him because hes a competitive type of guy but bring your A game. Either way its wrong to take satisfaction as I did when others have fallen. _____________________________________________________________________ Andy, you are completely wrong with this! That is actually their responsibility. This thread is too important and affects too many people to allow the personal conflicts on it. Hopefully the believers will recover quickly and put their faith in Jesus to find a new place or to remain, but they will need to examine their faith first. The strange thing is that Mark was with Bob for almost the entire 30 years as his #1 right hand man and Mark was a brilliant businessman. Vince couldnt stop pondering the hypothetical. they will mention Israel 100 times for every mention of Jesus Christ. She also loves Bode dearly and does everything in her power to help him. 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. Cant seem to wonder if Pastor Clay knew something and that is why he resigned the end of last year. Lorenzo, http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/80893448288/log-out. Hugh. Trusting in Gods providence, protection, provision and direction, the staff of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale will continue our mission to make disciples, through regular services at all campuses and through myriad other ministries the church has established over the years.. Against a power play by Bob [ie. One person cannot have all that autonomy and control. She'd never even told her family about the crimes. There is are discrepancies in CCFTLs numbers, not mine. . Revelation 20:6. I am not talking about positional but relational restoration. We are all vulnerable and weak!! Wow, Michael does have some standards, so thats what it takes, not gossip and slander and outright fabrications, but some foul language to wrap up the crap thats being dished out here! Governance Model does not dictate whether a pastor is more or less a sinnerit recognizes the fact the pastor is a sinner and provides checks and balances against too much pastor-centric power that is a corrupting force. Thank you for giving us this resource. On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, after admitting to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography.

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what happened to diane coy