t1a1 haplogroup vikings

mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK486 / Estonia_Salme_II-G Y-DNA:I-S26361 "Extremely Rare" Norwegian with Y Haplogroup I-M253 -> I-L22 Anglo-Proto-Germanic, I-M223, I-M253, & R-U106 Elliott Y-DNA Age:Viking 880-1000 CE mtDNA:U2e2a1d. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-BY64643 . Y-DNA:R-Y130994 Y-DNA:I-Y22478 Say what??? mtDNA:H27f. mtDNA:K1a4a1, Sample:VK259 / UK_Dorset-3734 But the recent discovery of a skeletal sample from 1200 BC in the Hebrides blows that out of the water. New path = I-FGC22035>I-FGC22026 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:I1a1, Sample:VK291 / Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav D, sk 1 Y-DNA:I-Z73 mtDNA:H10e, Sample:VK511 / Estonia_Salme_II-X mtDNA:K1a4a1, Sample:VK407 / Sweden_Skara 274 mtDNA:J1c5, Sample:VK389 / Norway_Telemark 3697 Y-DNA:R-A151 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA Haplogroup T mtFULL - for updated haplogroups please join T1 and T2 projects - mtDNA Test Results for Members . mtDNA:H2a2b, Sample:VK403 / Sweden_Skara 217 Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:R-BY176639 Location:Gnezdovo, Russia mtDNA:T2e1, Sample:VK490 / Estonia_Salme_II-N Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Forms a new branch down of I-BY55382 (L22). Derived for 2, ancestral for 7. mtDNA:J1b1b1, Sample:VK218 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-4 Y-DNA:R-FT103482 The T maternal clade is thought to have emanated from the Near East (Bermisheva 2002) harv error: no target: CITEREFBermisheva2002 (help). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:J1c3e1, Sample:VK147 / UK_Oxford_#11 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:T2a1a, Sample:VK512 / Estonia_Salme_II- The I1b-M227 subclade is . [11], In Africa, haplogroup T is primarily found among Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations, including the basal T* clade. FTDNA Comment:Possibly forms a branch down of I-Y15295. Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark About 33% of Norwegians fall under the I-M253 haplogroup. Y-DNA:R-BY10450 , Iceland, and northwest Europe. Location:Gnezdovo, Russia Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup I subclades is based on the paper (van Oven 2008) harv error: no target: CITEREFvan_Oven2008 (help) and subsequent published research (Behar 2012b). FTDNA Comment:Splits I-Y5612 (P109). Performance & security by Cloudflare. mtDNA:U3b1b, Sample:VK579 / Oland 1099 1785/67 35 FTDNA Comment:Shares 13 SNPs with an American. mtDNA:I1a1, Sample:VK70 / Denmark_Tollemosegard-EW mtDNA:V, Sample:VK541 / Ukraine_Lutsk Location:Oland, Sweden New branch = R-FT383000 The T group itself is older, also about 29,000 years. Y-DNA:R-FGC17230 The other subclades are L41.2 (very rare) and L161.1 (found mostly in Germany and the British Isles). Location:Buckquoy_Birsay, Orkney, Scotland, UK FTDNA Comment:Splits N-BY21933 (L550). One Viking boat burial in an Estonian Viking cemetery shows that 4 Viking brothers died and were buried together, ostensibly perishing in the same battle, on the same day. Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Church2, Faroes Y-DNA:I-Z16971 Forms a new branch down of I-A5952 (Z140). Derived 11 ancestral for 6. Sample:VK275 / Denmark_Kaargarden 217 mtDNA: J1b1a1a, I match Y-DNA sample VK174 / UK_Oxford_#18 Haplogroup: R-FGC17429, We are a group of 23 Reid males, ancestors from Scotland under R-FGC17427. mtDNA:J1c2c1, Sample:VK295 / Denmark_Hessum sk 1 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Haplogroup T1a is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Ribe, Jutland, Denmark There are also more detailed mtDNA tests available for those who wish to close the gap towards the modern period (equivalent to the BigY result). Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Haplogroups - Genealogy Explained - Irish Ancestry Research On a PC, thats CTRL+F to show the find box. Y-DNA:R-M198 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Derived for 7, ancestral for 3. Y-DNA:I-Z2900 Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK T1a1 - Any others here? - Anthrogenica Location:Telemark, Nor_South, Norway Sample:VK329 / Denmark_Ribe 8 The most important or identifiable haplogroup for Vikings is I1, as well as R1a, R1b, G2, and N. The SNP that defines the I1 haplogroup is M253. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE 442 Ancient Viking Skeletons Hold DNA Surprises Does Your Y or Mitochondrial DNA Match? Derived for 9 ancestral for 6. Age:Viking 10th century CE The term " Viking " tends to conjure up images of fierce, blonde men who donned horned helmets and sailed the seas in longboats, earning a fearsome reputation through their violent conquests and. FTDNA Comment:Shares at least 4 SNPs with a man from Sweden, forming a new branch downstream R-FT263905 (U106). Age:Medieval 13th century Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H2a2b1, Sample:VK513 / Greenland F8 DNA sequencing shows Vikings weren't all Scandinavian - IrishCentral.com Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:J-Z8424 Age:Early Viking 700 CE Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE The clade is also found everywhere in Central Asia and deep into North Asia, as far east as Mongolia. mtDNA:T2b, Sample:VK23 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-9 New ancient path = I-Y6908>I-FT273257>I-FT347811 mtDNA:U5a1g1, Sample:VK29 / Sweden_Skara 17 Within subhaplogroup T2e, a very rare motif is identified among Sephardic Jews of Turkey and Bulgaria and suspected conversos from the New World (Bedford 2012). mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK469 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-260 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:I-B293 These coincide with the latter part of the Andronovo period and the Saka period in the region.[5]. mtDNA:U5a2a1b, Sample:VK18 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-3 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:K1a4, Sample:VK430 / Gotland_Frojel-00502 mtDNA:H1b5, Sample:VK466 / Russia_Gnezdovo 77-222 Y-DNA:Q-BY77336 mtDNA:H64, Sample:VK354 / Oland_1026 mtDNA:H10, Sample:VK177 / UK_Oxford_#21 Y-DNA:R-P310 T1a1a1 is particularly common in countries with high levels of Y-haplogroup R1a, such as Central and Northeast Europe. mtDNA:H, Sample:VK279 / Denmark_Galgedil AXE In human genetics, Haplogroup I-M253 is a Y chromosome haplogroup which occurs at greatest frequency in Fenno-Scandia. FTDNA Comment:Splits the R-BY11762 branch, positive for 5 variants ancestral for ~14, new path = R-A8041>R-BY11764>BY11762 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:Shares 10 SNPs with a man with unknown origins (American) downstream of R-BY1701. mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK517 / Sweden_Uppsala_UM36031_623b Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:E-CTS5856 Y-DNA:N-FGC14542 T1a | Haplogroup They were then compared to known Viking samples from Scandinavia. Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H1e1a, Sample:VK261 / UK_Dorset-3736 Y-DNA:R-S764 mtDNA:I2, Sample:VK545 / Ireland_SSG12 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE New path FT13004>FT12648 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE mtDNA:U5b1b1a, Sample:VK133 / Denmark_Galgedil KO Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:Forms a branch with VK46 down of R-BY202785 (Z287). The excavated bones underwent osteoarchaeological analysis and were assigned to at least 19 individuals. Derived for 1, ancestral for 7. The Viking Age generally refers to the period from A.D. 800, a few years after the earliest recorded raid, until the. Age:Viking 8-9th centuries CE Derived for 6 ancestral for 3. Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway mtDNA:H1c, Sample:VK309 / Sweden_Skara 53 Have seen it on Genoplot! Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:U5a1b3a, Sample:VK338 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav BV Y-DNA:I-BY73576 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:W6. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:I-FT8660 Y-DNA:R-Y75899 Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA:H6a1a4, Sample:VK468 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-235 Y-DNA:R-S695 If you dont see it, keep scanning to the left until you see the last SNP. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE He is known for his roll in creating the TV show Seinfeld. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:R-CTS11962 New path I-BY65928>I-BY61100 Y-DNA:R-FT7019 FTDNA Comment:Shares 3 mutations with a man from Sweden. Each build is a major update to the tree. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA:U4a2a, Sample:VK487 / Estonia_Salme_II-A mtDNA:K2a3a, Sample:VK337 / Oland_1064 Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark Age:Early Viking 8th century CE FTDNA Comment:Splits R-FT148754 (DF63). Sample:VK274 / Denmark_Kaargarden 391 FTDNA Comment:Possibly E-Z16663 mtDNA:V1a1, Sample:VK145 / UK_Oxford_#9 Age:Iron Age 200-400 CE mtDNA:T2b5, Sample:VK139 / Denmark_Galgedil ANG Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Hessum, Funen, Denmark mtDNA:HV6, Sample:VK508 / Estonia_Salme_I-5 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK485 / Estonia_Salme_II-O The Danish Viking King Sweyn Forkbeard conquered what is modern day England in 1013. mtDNA:K1a4a1b, Sample:VK529 / Norway_Nordland 642 mtDNA:T1a5, Sample:VK538 / Italy_Foggia-1249 mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK320 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav S [10] Additionally, haplogroup T has been observed in ancient Guanche fossils excavated in Gran Canaria and Tenerife on the Canary Islands, which have been radiocarbon-dated to between the 7th and 11th centuries CE. Location:Oland, Sweden Location:Cedynia, Poland Y-DNA:R-YP1137 Location:Oland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-Y52895 Y-DNA:I-SK1234 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Conclusion The present work provides further evidence that retrieval of ancient human DNA is a possible task provided adequate precautions are taken and well . Due to mixing resulting from the Viking raids beginning at Lindisfarne in 793 , the UK population today carries as much as 6% Viking DNA. Sample:VK509 / Estonia_Salme_I-6 Pay particular attention to the locations that show where the graves were found along with the FamilyTreeDNA notes. If the haplogroup you are seeking is NOT shown in your direct upstream branches, you can type the name of the haplogroup into the search box. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:H4a1a4b, Sample:VK286 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav BJ Age:Viking 9-10th centuries CE Goran Runfeldt, a member of the Million Mito team and head of research at FamilyTreeDNA began downloading DNA sequences immediately, and Michael Sager began analyzing Y DNA, hoping to add or split Y DNA tree branches. Y-DNA:R-PH12 The two of them have very different distributions, which are diametrically opposed in most regions. Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Location:Hesselbjerg, Jutland, Denmark mtDNA:H10e, Sample:VK553 / Estonia_Salme_II-M Geneticists usually state that mitochondrial haplotype T came to the British Isles with the Vikings circa 800 AD. Age:Viking 8-11th centuries CE Forms a new branch downstream of R1a-YP275. mtDNA:HV6, Sample:VK297 / Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 2 Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:N-BY21933 Y-DNA:I-BY198216 Y-DNA:I-A8462 Y-DNA:I-Y22507 Y-DNA:I-FGC8677 Location:Kumle_hje, Langeland, Denmark Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Mitochondrial clade T derives from the haplogroup JT, which also gave rise to the mtDNA haplogroup J. mtDNA:J1c5. Sample:VK151 / UK_Oxford_#15 Y-DNA:R-Z331 Location:Bakkendrup, Sealand, Denmark Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Most of T2c comprises haplogroup T2c1. Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark Age:Viking 8-11th centuries CE Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden FTDNA Comment:Splits J2-BY62479 (M67). Location:Gl._Lejre, Sealand, Denmark mtDNA:J1b1a1, Sample:VK388 / Norway_Nordland 253 mtDNA:H1e1a, Sample:VK273 / Russia_Gnezdovo 77-255 Age:Iron Age 300 CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:T2b24, Sample:VK333 / Oland_1028 mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK237 / Faroe_15 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-Y13467 Y-DNA:R-BY39347 mtDNA:H4a1a1a1a1, Sample:VK204 / Orkney_Newark for Brothwell Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Location:029a, Eastern Settlement, Greenland FTDNA Comment:VK506 and VK367 split the I-BY67827 branch. Location:Ladoga, Russia The whole genome sequence includes the Y chromosome along with mitochondrial DNA, although it requires special processing to separate it usefully. It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK FTDNA Comment:Shares 8 SNPs with a man from Russia. Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden mtDNA:V7b, Sample:VK363 / Denmark_Bogovej BT T1a1a1 is particularly common in countries with high levels of Y-haplogroup R1a, such as Central and Northeast Europe. Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden mtDNA:T2b, Sample:VK453 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-134 Location:San_Lorenzo, Foggia, Italy Location:Stengade_I, Langeland, Denmark T1a1-C152T!! (Mitochondrial DNA) - geni.com Y-DNA:R-L23 mtDNA:U5a1b-T16362C, Sample:VK174 / UK_Oxford_#18 New path = J-BY62479>J-BY72550 Below, youll find the information from Y DNA results in the paper, reprocessed and analyzed, with FamilyTreeDNA verified SNP names, along with the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of each Viking male. Creates a new branch downstream of R2-V1180. FTDNA Comment:Shares 6 SNPs with man from Sweden down of R-BY38950 (R-Y47841) Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:K1b1c, Sample:VK313 / Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 2 Y-DNA:R-BY92608 Location:Bodzia, Poland Sample:VK144 / UK_Oxford_#8 New path = R-FT148796>R-FT148754 Nov 12, 2022 - Explore Lisa Burnette Munn's board "Haplogroup T1a1", followed by 406 people on Pinterest. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Celebrity DNA | Haplogroup Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:J1b1a1, Sample:VK369 / Denmark_Bakkendrup losfund-2, conc.1 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway Call Us Today! In Britain, haplogroup I1-M253 et al is often used as a marker for "invaders," Viking or Anglo-Saxon. Y-DNA:I-S20602 mtDNA:U5b2c2b, Sample:VK422 / Norway_Hedmark 4304 Y-DNA:R-Y9081 mtDNA:T2b3b, Sample:VK101 / Iceland_125 mtDNA:K1a3a, Sample:VK183 / Greenland F6 FTDNA Comment:Shares 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Y-DNA:R-M269 Y-DNA:R-S10185 Y-DNA:R-FGC17429 T1a1 mitochondrial DNA and pre Viking settlement. - Anthrogenica { Source: Finding Your Roots} Robert John Downey Jr. Downey is a US TV and movie actor. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden New path = I-Y130659>I-Y130594>I-Y130747. Y-DNA:I-BY78615 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE mtDNA:H-C16291T, Sample:VK539 / Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8870-97 ASH087 and I2923 mtDNA:H1c3, Sample:VK156 / Poland_Bodzia B4 Y-DNA:R-S2857 mtDNA:T2b4b, Sample:VK40 / Sweden_Skara 106 mtDNA:J2b1a, Sample:VK290 / Denmark_Kumle Hoje Grav O Forms a new branch down of R-FGC7556 (DF99). Haplogroup T (mtDNA) - Wikipedia The alternative SNP names are provided as shown on the ISOGG Y-SNP tree . The observation of haplogroup I in the present study (<2% in modern Scandinavians) supports our previous findings of a pronounced frequency of this haplogroup in Viking and Iron Age Danes. New path = R-Y32857>R-Z27210 Derived for 2 SNPs total. [9] Fossils excavated at the Late Neolithic site of Kelif el Boroud in Morocco, which have been dated to around 3,000 BCE, have also been observed to carry the T2 subclade. mtDNA:J2a1a1a2, Sample:VK552 / Estonia_Salme_II-K mtDNA:K2a5, Sample:VK179 / Greenland F2 05-15-2015, 03:55 PM #2 Kale Registered Users Posts 2,721 Forms a new branch down of I-FT3562 (P109). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE For example, Doug McDonald maintains a map of the distribution of haplogroups at www.scs.uiuc.edu/~mcdonald/WorldHaplogroupsMaps.pdf. H1 (Mitochondrial DNA) - geni family tree Location:Ladoga, Russia New branches = I-Y16449>I-BY72774>I-FT382000 Note that new Y DNA branches appear on the tree the day AFTER the change is made, and right now, changes resulting from this paper are being made hourly. does this exists? Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H1b, Sample:VK315 / Denmark_Bakkendrup Grav 16 Female Viking Warrior Discovered Through DNA Testing Y-DNA:R-BY61747 mtDNA:H1n-T146C! Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE LAV010, NA34, I7779, ble007, R55 and EDM124 are all non-R ancient samples that are U106+. Y-DNA:R-CTS4179 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia This includes a great number of European nobles, including George I of Great Britain and Frederick William I of Prussia (through the Electress Sophia of Hanover), Charles I of England, George III of the United Kingdom, George V of the United Kingdom, Charles X Gustav of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, Olav V of Norway, and George I of Greece. mtDNA:T1a1, Sample:VK42 / Sweden_Skara 62 FTDNA Comment:Shares 4 SNPs with a man from England. mtDNA:T2b-T152C! [1] Some non-basal T clades are also commonly found among the Niger-Congo-speaking Serer due to diffusion from the Maghreb, likely with the spread of Islam.[12]. Location:Kaagrden, Langeland, Denmark Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Location:Oland, Sweden mtDNA:HV9b, Sample:VK172 / UK_Oxford_#16 Everyone is so excited about this paper, and I want you to be able to see if your Y or mitochondrial DNA, or that of your relatives matches the DNA haplogroups in the paper. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H1cg, Sample:VK138 / Denmark_Galgedil AQQ It is strongly represented in Europe today although it extends into North Africa and Asia. Derived for 1 ancestral for 2. mtDNA:H15a1, Sample:VK308 / Sweden_Skara 101 Forms a new branch down of N-FGC14542. 558 Y-DNA:I-Y20861 Your IP: mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK491 / Estonia_Salme_II- Y-DNA:R-BY92608 Y-DNA: R-FGC12948 I wish to trace my Viking ancestors as my DNA indicates that I am I Derived for 2 SNPs total. Y-DNA:R-FGC10249 T1a1: 15: 130856: Dorde Mrtensdr Bjrk-Huggare 1630-1675 Kronoby FI: Finland: T1a1: T16093Y, T16126C, A16129G, A16163G, C16186T, T16187C, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16294T, C16311T: Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Sample:VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 Haplogroup I-M253 | Familypedia | Fandom Y-DNA:I-Y4051 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK See more ideas about viking history, norse vikings, vikings. [13] It is unknown whether or not this is specific to this subclaude of haplogroup T or is a risk factor shared by all of haplogroup T. With a statistically significant difference found in such a small sample, it may be advisable for those of known haplogroup T maternal ancestry to be aware of this and have their physician check for evidence of this condition when having a routine exam at an early age. Location:Ladoga, Russia Compared with the most frequent haplogroup in the general population (that is, H and T clades), the T1a1 haplogroup has a HR of 0.62 (95% CI, 0.40 to 0.95; P = 0.03). Y-DNA:R-BY58559 New branch = R-FT31867 Y-DNA:R-YP1708 . mtDNA:H1-C16239T, Sample:VK175 / UK_Oxford_#19 New branch = N-BY160234 Location:Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Y-DNA:R-CTS4179 FTDNA Comment:Links up with PGA3 (Personal Genome Project Austria) and FTDNA customer from Denmark. Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Y-DNA:R-Y96503 Age:Early Norse 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H1a3a, Sample:VK123 / Iceland_X104 Y-DNA:R-BY97519 Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their maternal lines. Location:Cedynia, Poland Y-DNA:R-FT103482 Age:Viking 829 57 CE Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE

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t1a1 haplogroup vikings