lori comforts lincoln fanfiction

"So what are we watching?" Just then, he hears a knock on his door. I, um. Things were going nuts. (Luna break into tears and run in her room, Luan run after to comfort Luna, not before angrily glaring at Lori, Lynn, Lana, and Lola), (It shows Lincoln in Hazeltucky, he walking around the town and reaches a motel), (He went to a motel room, it's a nice motel room with a single bed, a TV, a couch, bathroom). he notices a familiardance game. Everyone looks at Lincoln. Originally, it was gonna be Lori, Lynn, and Lola who drove Lincoln away, but Lana was added. It occurred to him that his source of comfort wasn't going to be around for much longer, as her first semester of college was just around the corner. Just then, the sisters, besides Lori, enter the living room, where Lincoln is. Just then, a few staff member appear. Be good to Lori, They both exit the house and Lori blows her whistle. Lincoln: "I think you're an awesome big sister. This causes her to get blind and starts to stumble. He then sees the car of Leni arrive, and so he goes over and goes inside. I thought I would be an emotionalwreck without you here, but Lincoln seems to be having it worse than me. ", Lori: "Well, duh. Luna: (sarcastic) Oh look girls, Sleeping Beauty has a risen from her sleep! ", Lincoln: "Come on, Lori. Lay down your head and sleep. This backfired when Lori greeted him with a rather annoyed glare, as Lincoln chuckled nervously. I can't believe it's been a week since Lincoln ran away. We pretty much wasted our time. My sixth fanfic. Hahaha..hehe. ", Lincoln: "Look over there! If you don't mind, I think I'mgonna turn in. Once he and his parents arrived at the Loud House, Lynn Sr. directed him towards the armchair in the living room. We was so worried. Lincoln released his hold on Lori, lifted his head and looked her in the eyes. We won't be out too long. Lynn: Because we want you to feel how it was when we were forced to do all of the work, while you were sitting back, watching! I didn't realize how much I liked hanging out with Ronnie Anne. ", Lynn Sr.: "Well, if he's really tired, maybe we shouldn'tbother him. And besides, maybe spiders aren't so bad after all. Let's put some sunscreen on. He took a breath, before pulling the doll into a small hug. LUNA: Dudes, what is with you guys?! Before I could leave the restroom, three guys came in and started punching me. This made them get out of their nervous state and calm down. Lincoln's voice trailed off as another thought crossed his mind. Luna, you can play some music, but you can turn it up to 11. I've done some harsh things before too,like the time Ihumiliated you guys to win a trophy, the time Ikicked you guys out of the pool I bought, the time I acted like I was better than you because of a limo, and that's only naming a few. ", Lori: "Lincoln. But after you got busted andscrewed upthe game, we lostthe bet! Shout-outto EpsilonMk46 forcoming upwiththe title. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and i'll see you guys next time, Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been. I will always protect you. They're not going to be home for alongtime. They all group hug, with Lori doing her best to sit up and join in, ignoring the slight pain again. "Oh! Lincoln: Thanks Lori! Lynn: You should've stuck with your job in the first place, you made us do all of that work! Lori nodded. We all miss and/or love Lincoln. Alright! ", Lori: "No, Leni. I'll give you some extra time, since you taught me to not always say no. You apologized for your attitude towards me, you and the others helped me with my project, you apologized to Leni for trying to get her to fail at getting her license and tried to help her with me. Luan: And if she does, I bet Lincoln wont let us pass! Tell your sisters and parentsI said 'hi'. 15 minutes later, Lori is upstairs, sweeping the floor, angry. Lisa: I shouldn't have ventured off into believing in superstitions. Lincoln, remembering why he's with her in the first place, heads toward the card. Lincoln: No need! Lori: "So, what do you want to play first?". LENI: I heard what you said at the funeral. Sorry for worrying you guys. WARNING: This story will contain a violent scene later on, but no blood. Lori: "Besides, it wasn't a complete waste of time. You deserve an apology because of how we treat you. ", Lori giggled. With each repetition, the story felt less off-putting and more comforting. Rita: "Well, Lori already taught them a lesson. (Luna and Leni heard the whole thing and look at each other, worried; Later, Lincoln thank of what they said to him, took a backpack and pack his things, he took a box under his bed and open it to reveal lots of money and stuff it in his pockets, he then wrote a letter and place on his bed. Lori and Leni comfort Lincoln Published: Jun 2, 2019. she hissed. Lincoln's voice started to waver. Thank you so much for everything today. Lincoln: Hey, Lori? ", "Oh, don't be embarrassed," said Lori. It's been a month since Ronnie Anne moved away, and everyone is starting to worry about you. ", Lincoln: "It was great. Lincoln begins to walk out the dining room. So how are things with you and your family? Letting our older sister tumble down the stairs! "This one's a classic," she said. He won't even tell anyone. Don't be sorry. We're your family. Just tell us what's bugging you. (Lucy smiles in triumph and Lincoln pops back up with another ticket). Lincoln: "Now let's go inside and see what movies are playing.". Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Lincoln starts shaking in fear. Physical pain isn't eternal, like emotional, They try picking her up, but Lori isn't having it, They all drop her as soon as she lashes out. Take him to some fun places. Can she make things right or will her life continue . Simpsonsfanatic33. Lincoln: Aren't you supposed to have at least one good luck charm. ", Her smile grew. Lincoln loosened his hold a bit and looked up into her eyes. Working together, the siblings score a few times, but are still having fun. Let's play that!". I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. Lori: (sadly) "Oh, Lincoln." It cuts to Lori in her room. You'rebright. She had her own room at this time. We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". Log In Sep 16, 2021 He won't even tell anyone. Lori: "Wanna play at littleVolley Ball?". ", Lincoln: "I guess not. He squeezed her just as tightly before releasing her only to take her hand in his as they started for the house. It was at this point that he finally managed to get a good look at her face - and to his immense relief, she was bearing a faint little half-smile, with not a single trace of anger or tension in her eyes. "Not you, Lincoln. "So here's the deal," she said. Leni, you can do fashion, but you can't be tearing the walls down to get the materials. LINCOLN: I'm quite comfortable with who I am. Very emotional, explains either Lori is going someplace far from Royal Woods or Great Lakes City, and she is hugging Lincoln because she would never see her family again in the fanfic. Please. He notices that no one else is in there. The two hug for a minute, and they look at each other. ', Ronnie Anne: "Oh, things are good. ", Lincoln: (nervously) "Because Because, uh", Lori: "Because this place reminds you of Ronnie Anne?". ", Lori: "Well, we can still visit them once in a while. However, as Lori spoke, he noticed that her own voice was beginning to waver, and her diaphragm quivered with every breath she took. Lori give Lincoln a cute smile. How was your- *gasp* Oh my gosh, Lincoln!". Not only that, they threatened to tell Mom and Dad that I broke the golf club and get them to take away my phone so I can't talk to Bobby! Lincoln holds on to the side of the doorway. So, can I please just get some rest?". Pretty soon, I'll be in college. Lana: Again! LINCOLN: Luna, Leni, you want to go to the movies with me? ", Leni: "Did you get in trouble at school? It feels good to be needed, you know? Not only that, but he sees a face of fear in the rest of the sisters, Lucy: Don't worry sister. They inspect her ankle, and to their horror sees a giant swell on it. Lincoln begins tocry and Lori gives her brother a comforting hug. As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. Luna, bring me the first aid kit. We're all here for you. "Was I really that clingy, though?" Keeping Lori's plan a secret for the remainder of the night was a challenge, to say the least. Great, he thought. Lincoln turnsaround while crossing his arms, leaving his back facing Lori. Young Lincoln: "Thanks, Lori. We should have known better than to call you bad luck. I'm sure they'd like to have a talk with you. It's okay. Lori: "Hey Lincoln. ", Lynn Sr.: "If he's like thatagain tomorrow, we'll talk to him.". The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, so credits go to him. ", Lincoln ends his call. Completed uchiha nsl uchihaclan +6 more # 11 Loud Light: Project Divine light by IceKing28 18.1K 357 78 Along with this being standard fare for fanfics that venture into mature/adult territory it's inappropriate for someone Lori's age to be touching her much younger than her sibling in that manner and for him to be touching her that way. We're gonna have your parents come and pick you up. You want to watch that? Lori gets up and runs towards the water, leaving Lincoln behind. That sounds nice. Lori looks at Lincoln who is down on his hands and knees. ", Lori: "Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and their mother are happy where they are. Suddenly, Lincoln felt a pang of sadness clutching his heart. The three guys crack their knuckles. said Lori, who responded by tightening her grip. That was amazing! But whilePoltergeistwasn't anywhere near as gory asThe Harvester, it wasn't any less scary. It's alright. I wasn't even any help. You're lucky that we're fast cleaners! She was competent, she was strong, she was firm when she needed to be, and she was warm enough to provide him with a source of comfort. But the kids can't use it. "And I missed having you hold me like this, too. There's a romantic comedy that's gonna play. ", Lori: (slightly annoyed) "Well, excuse me for caring about my little brother! But Luna and Lynn were so rowdy and unpredictable, Luan rarely took anything seriously, and Leni well, Leni was Leni. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been very strict. You drove him away! Lincoln puts the picture away andlays down with his face in the pillow. The two of them sat together in silence for a minute or two, as Lincoln savored the moment they were sharing. whispered Lincoln, inching across the couch towards her. ", Lincoln: "No, no, no, and no. Leni: Don't worry. You came around before as well. Lincoln heads into the kitchen and exits it with an ice pack in his hand. There is silence between themfor afew seconds. You like, made Lincoln sad. woman jumps off carquinez bridge 2021 lori comforts lincoln fanfiction. Leni: What is wrong with us?! ", Lincoln: "Looks like this is a good time for me to use the bathroom. LUCY: It's more sad to see Luna and Leni missing Lincoln. There's still times where I bullied you too, and after today, I now know what it feels like, and i'm deeply sorry. It was awesome. All of the sisters start to laugh at Lincoln. Lincoln: (sadly) "Oh, Ronnie Anne. Lincoln looks up and puts on a small fake smile, Lincoln: "Oh, uh. And it's Friday. So maybe", Lincoln's eyes fluttered, as his blush grew bright enough to cut through the darkness of the living room. Hope you enjoy. If I overhear you fighting over the remote, I will take possession of it for the remainder of the night. As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. Lincoln drew back a little and locked eyes with Lori once again, his curiosity piqued. ", Lori: "Just some places where we'll have fun together. We wish your ankle with all of the care it could ever have and we just want to end this off by saying, Lori is even more heartwarmed by the card. Just then, the Loud parents come in the living room. Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. It's okay. Until then, your big brother's got your back. Lori runs off the find Lincoln. Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? Young Lori: "Do you know what time it is? "You may disperse as soon as I blow my whistle," she said, as she kept a watchful eye on each sibling to make sure they didn't budge until she gave the command. Moments later, flour pours onto her, getting into her eyes. Today, you helped me with my problem. Lori: Alright, you girls and guy can do some activities, but it's not gonna be the extreme way that you do it. Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. I know what's wrong him. LORI: We're really sorry, Lincoln! She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. ", Lori: "To places were we'll have fun. I'll say. She looks down and sees a button. It's like the only place you felt safe was in my arms. Why you couldn't you four be nice to him for once?! Commentary is acceptable. We should've never been selfish towards you! - Lincoln said - Since you two are the only ones who wasn't mean to me and are my closest siblings, I decide to do something nice for a change. ", Mike: That's right! Lincoln whispered, scarcely able to contain his excitement. ", Rita: "Maybe you also should try talking to him about it. Lori gives Lincoln a very tight hug, apologizing for what she said earlier. Mom and Dad put me in charge while they on vacation. ", Lori: "Lincoln. It was my fault! Lori: "Lincoln, no. What do you want from me? ", Lori giggled, ruffling his hair. I still remember when I was hostile towards you for no reason, and when I made you guys do chores and other favors so I could give you rides. ", Bobby: "It always works for Ronnie Anne. Lori: Get over here and give your big sister a hug. Lori's annoyed looks truns into a worried look. Lincoln: Heh, you know what they say! She opens it up and starts to read, I know you are pretty mad at us, and we don't blame you. Lori takes Lincoln to Vanzilla and drives home. "I will always remember and recover, but i'll never forgive and forget!" Bobby and I got to see each other one more time and we worked things out. He misses Ronnie Anne. I love you all. Pillow soft and deep. Lincoln cries on his sister's shoulder while Lori kept holding him, gently stroking his hair. We had a lot of fun. I watch Dream Boat with you and our sisters. Lori starts the van and drives off. It's pretty rare for the sisters to express some kind of love, but the thought of making a card for her made Lori even more happy. Lori smiles and then lays on her belly. Lynn: But what? Don't bother looking for me and if you guys, except Luna and Leni, get grounded by Mom and Dad, you guys only have yourselves to blame. Heartwarmed by this, Lori manages to pull Lincoln into a hug, ignoring the slight pain she felt in her ankle. I swept the ball away from her and kicked it right into the goal!". Lincoln decides to take advantage anyway. Lincoln leans closer. After the two sit and enjoy the view for a couple minutes, Lori speaks up. What are you gonna do about it, toots?". "I'll be starting middle school soon. ", Lori: "What are you worried about? How am I gonna handle it without you? (In Luna and Luan's room, Luna is sadly strumming her guitar and Leni comes in). 31 Favourites. ", Lori began to rub her hand in a circular motion across Lincoln's back. I was thinking that maybe we could spend a little time together after lights out. I thought I would be an emotional wreck without you here, but Lincoln seems to be having it worse than me. She applies some to her right hand, then, without warning, she grabs Lincoln's left arm and put some on it. ", Lincoln: "Well, I am. I want to thank Harvey Beaks Number 1 Fan for this title. Lori opens the door and enters Lincoln's room with a smile on her face. "Seriously? Then, they see the parents walk into the Living room with Lori. Not only that, but her boyfriend dumps her for Carol and her friends abandon her. Lincoln smiles a little and gets in Lori's bed. ", Her smile widened as she gazed down at her little brother, and she began to run her fingers through his hair again. ", Ronnie Anne: (laughing) "Wow, Lincoln! I'm not doing your chores! He received hugs from his sisters all the time, but it was rare that he got to experience this level of physical intimacy - his arms wrapped snug around his big sister, his head resting gently against her chest, with nary a sound but the soothing, rhythmic thumping of her heart. The two splash each other and then begin to playfully wrestle. LORI: I need to watch Dream Boat. LORI, LUAN, LUCY, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: YEAH! Lincoln took the opportunity to get himself settled in, claiming a seat on the couch and draping a blanket over himself. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lori: Alright! Lori says this as she puts sunscreen on herself except her back. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Lola: And we'll do all we can so you can feel better! Rita: Good, now well see you kids in a few days. ", Duncan: "For that last game, we made a wager with some other guys. She begins to do competitions with her sisters to improve her baseball skills before the big rematch in 5 days. Probably after this fanfic: theloudhouse.fandom.com/wiki/U This was requested by ninjakingofhearts. They see their sisters on the couch watching TV. Lori: "Leni went over to a friend's house for a sleepover. Duncan pullsLincoln away from the door and closes it. It was another "Lori in charge" night for the Loud household. ", Later that night, we see Lincoln, who has a couple bandages on his face and is wearing his pajamas, in his room getting ready for bed. He can see Lori frown, while she stares at her sprained ankle. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ", Lucy: "If I had to guess, he probably doesn't want us to worry. A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. I'm sorry, Lori.". He's your brother and you just mess with him?! Lay down your head and sleep. As a family, we should help each other when we have problems. Plan b is if you didn't cooperate with our task, we call Mom and Dad and we tell them that you broke the golf club! You're coming with me.". ", Lincoln: "Uhh, yeah. "Meet me outside my room at 9:30. Next morning, we see Lincoln in his bed, reading a comic book. Before Lincoln could run off, though, he felt a dainty yet strong hand grip him by the wrist. I'd almost forgotten how snuggly you are.". I really want to watch the new episode of ARRGH! Lincoln: (irritated) They really messed you up! "If the others hear about this, they'll all want to get in on it. LINCOLN: I miss them! "What do you mean? After taking a seat next to Lincoln, she scooped up a pocket, broke it in half and passed him a piece. She began the evening as she typically did - clad in army fatigues, with her trusty whistle around her neck and her younger siblings lined up against the wall in order of age. She showed Lincoln a Blu-Ray case that she'd been carrying in the crook of her arm. Everything's good.". LENI: No, I really miss him, Luna. Lori: It's alright Lincoln. As time went on and mom and dad were having more kids, I was feeling pressured because, like, I'm the oldest of a lot of siblings. As much as he feared what she had in store for him, he was even more afraid of what she'd do if he disobeyed her, so he followed along. No matter what.". Eventually, though, he reached his limit. Mike tells Duncan and Drake to hold him against to the wall. This is one of my most commented fanfics and one of my most critically acclaimed fanfics. (She hugs and kisses Lincoln) Please, don't run away ever again! Lori: "What does it look like? Luna and Leni were the only ones who defended me from you guys and I appreciated that, since you guys never respected me, not even once yesterday. I've been through middle school, and trust me when I say that it's nothing that you can't handle. Tomorrow, I'm gonna take Lincoln out to some fun places and have a good time with him. I mean, I'm not really sure why. "You were just a baby.". Am I clear?!". I guess it wouldn't hurt if we hung out today. It's gonna take a couple of days for that to heal! The parents look at Lincoln and are shocked. I mean-" (sigh) "Never mind.". Lynn, you can play a little bit of sports. As soon as Rita said that, the girls rush out of their rooms and head to the dining room. Luan: Nah, because we would've blamed you again! Lincoln can feel the sympathy coming out of her, implying that she really means it. I'll do it! But I talked with Bobby and told me that spending time with him and taking him to places he likes should cheer him up. You're so much more capable than you think you are.". All five of his older siblings, to their credit, did their fair share of work looking after him. ", Lori: "Well, I guess it's because of how focused on myself I can be at times. Lori drives Lincoln to a very familiar restaurant; Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. Lincoln: (angry) Here, just rest right now and i'll get you some ice. Lori let out an annoyed groan as Lincoln took notice of this and tried to look on the brighter side of it. After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. ", Rita: "Alright Lincoln, let'streatyour bruises. And that's a good thing. (It starts the living room where Lincoln, holding a bowl of popcorn, is watching ARGGH!) Lincoln looks at Lori with a smile. (It starts the living room where Lincoln, holding a bowl of popcorn, is watching ARGGH!). Now the two are going to have Lunch. Lynn Sr. and Rita look at each other, then smile, then look at Lori. And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. Lori then remembers the golf club and gets angrier. You're talented. (He slide away from the house and he glance at his home, he shed a tear), (Leni and Luna, who are in their PJs, come to Lincoln's door, they hear crying), (She and Leni walk in, it reveals to be Lily, in her PJs, crying and holding Lincoln's letter), (Leni cradles Lily and Luna grab the letter, the two of them were shocked at the letter), (The others, who all in their PJs, run into Lincoln's room). I shouldn't have. I don't usually comment on fanfics but this one while not being as bad as some has some unnecessary moments in it that push it from 'strange but harmless' to 'kind of creepy ngl' territory. (Leni and Luna take a ticket and the three share a group hug), (The three got out of the house and walk to the movies; It shows the others, sans Lucy, are in the living room). Understand? '", Lincoln flinched, blinking in disbelief. NOW I KNOW HOW LINCOLN FEELS WHEN HE GETS BULLIED BY US AND GETS INTO PAIN! Mike: "I'm Mike. LUAN: Sorry, I just worried about Luna and Leni, they haven't came out of their rooms for hours. Whatever they were talking about, that occured a month ago, and they're making a big fit of it now?! LORI, LUAN, LYNN, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: Ahh! I shouldn't have. ", Lori: "Anything for you, little brother.". ", Lincoln: "Oh no, it's fine.

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lori comforts lincoln fanfiction