how to orient a map using a lensatic compass

Turn your map so that north on the map, points in the same direction as the needle. The degrees are in red, and are the ring's inner measurements. ), you just dont know exactly where. If your compass doesnt have a declination adjustment key, simply make the adjustment on the spot. Title: USING THE MILITARY LENSATIC COMPASS 1 USING THE MILITARY LENSATIC COMPASS PART 2 Intermediate Land Navigation Module 14 Travel Distance Estimation 2 . 1. Orient you compass with the bearing, and draw the bearing line. Simply look for distinguishable landmarks that are marked on the map, and turn so that both you and the map are facing this object. 3. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you do map orientation? There is nothing better than being at the heart of your navigation as a prepper, and truly knowing where youre headed without the need for technological input. 1. You should then be able to roughly work out which way is north, east south or west using your maps gridlines. Fortunately, orienting your map is simple. Best Camping Knife for Outdoor Adventures, Best 4-Person Tent For Camping [2023 Update], How to Use a Fire Starter: A Simple, Step-by-Step Guide, How to Dispose of Butane Cans (and Other Solvents), Best Hikes in Colorado: 17 Incredible Trails, Types of Backpacks: The Ultimate List of 23 Pack Styles, Learning one of land navigations primary skills, Turn your map using your map and compass together, How to check your map is oriented correctly. It would be 204 (24+180) in this situation. Ensure that the compass bezel is set to 0 degrees i.e. that it is pointing towards the top of the map. 2. Its 230 degrees in reference to your position, as you can see. Another trick for declination when your compass cant adjust for it is to create your own declination arrow out of masking tape and tape it beneath your compass under the correct declination degree hash (This will only work if your compass has a clear base). A lightweight, well-engineered orienteering compass from the Finnish company that helped set the gold standard in navigation. Finally, read the number on the rim of the compass. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. You can use it to find your bearings in any direction you need to go. Boom. If the magnetic declinationin your area were zero, you'd proceed in the direction of 062 degrees. We just dont know where we are. Find the magnetic declination on your map. Open it up using the cloud-based editor and begin editing. 3 Navigation: Compass Basics Read, Understand, and Remember! Your map (and yourself) are now be orientated north. Whether or not you participate in orienteering, I'm confident you'll find that a properly oriented map is a huge help in finding your way. The housing lines should be parallel with the maps vertical grid lines. If your local declination is east of the agonic line, youll need to add the declination to your compass bearing; if its west of the agonic line, youll need to remove the declination from your compass bearing. More or less, where the second line meets the first is where you are on the map. Advnture is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. 3. Turn your entire body as a unit until your predetermined azimuth falls under the fixed black index line. Doing that with a lensatic compass is much like doing that with any other compass. Hold the compass with your thumb fully in the thumb ring, and your index finger wrapped around and gripping the circular part of the underneath of the compass's base. Assume youre in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. He is currently working towards qualifying as a Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor and International Mountain Leader. Use the lens to look through the sighting line to find another landmark, and repeat until you reach your destination. 2. ? Step 2: Line up your lensatic compass with the North Star and make sure the index mark is on the star. The edge of the compass baseplate is now pointing in the direction of the visible landmark from which you took your bearing. 3. So its declination would be 14W. Use a Compass : Basic Reading Do's and Dont's \u0026 Tips With Navigating COM-PASS Reading Placement Test - Characters COMPASS Reading Prep How to use a compass:For beginners THIS is how to use a Compass (Lensatic Compass for beginn-ers) Using A Lensatic Compass (For Dum-mies) Beginner guide to map and compass - Survival Saturday Ep. . Now, hold the compass level and squarely in front of you. In this case, it would be 204 (24+180). 3 . Turn the compass dial so that the bearing intersects the index line (2). 1. Pull the lens holder up so that it is at a 90-degree angle to the base of the compass. You look out into the distance and you see another mountain peak, but you dont know the name of it. If you take just one thing from this guide, let it be the appreciation that contours are the most important navigational feature on the map, especially where hills and mountains are concerned. True north and magnetic north are not the same, as stated in Part I. Were going to use the back bearing of that to plot a line from Saddle Mountain towards our general direction on the map. A visualization depicting the Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT) task Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass (071-COM-1011). Brett May 23, 2016 Last updated: June 2, 2021. Triangulate your position. Step 1 Determine the direction of the map of the declination and its value from the declination on the map. With solid land-navigation skills, you'll be more confident and "at home" in the wilderness. In the daytime, you'll normally find something in the distance on your azimuth and walk to it, so you don't have to keep staring at the compass. Flip up the small magnifying glass. Orient you compass with the bearing, and draw the bearing line. The orient a map to the ground by map-terrain association is one of the most basic skills that you will need in order to survive. Compass (For Dummies) Beginner guide to map and compass - Survival Saturday Ep. 5. Using the rotating bezel, turn it until the direction of travel arrow lines up with the north arrow. The rear bearing is at a 50-degree angle. There are so many different kinds of compasses, it can be hard to keep up. We still need to understand where we are in reference to our map how to orient ourselves before we can start really navigating, which well cover in Part III of this series. The red end of the needle must be pointing to the top of the map. How to use the Lunatic Compass Map Orientation by compass Magnetic Azimuth A magnetic azimuth of any object is the compass reading of a direct line across the center of the compass to the object. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map. Lay the compass down on your map. As magnetic north changes depending on where you are in the world, you have to ensure you adjust your compass accordingly. At this point, your map is almost oriented. Taking each features relative shape, height and distance away into consideration, you should be able to start to match them to the contour features on the map. Method #1. Where can these symbols be found. Want to start taking action on the content you read on AoM? Once you know that you're facing north, rotate the compass so that the luminous line is over the 170-degree mark. Make sure the travel direction arrow is pointed in the direction you want to go. You can, however, see the two points on your map. You cant see the end point in your terrain, so you cant shoot a bearing on it. In this situation, you can use your compass to work out which direction magnetic north is and orientate from there. The cover is used to protect the compass and also incorporates the sighting wirewhich helps you determine direction. There is no declination, and you do not need to adjust your compass. You don't want to hold it crooked, cockeyed, or off level. If your map already has a line to show magnetic declination, you can take your compass and line its edges up along this. You should be able to turn the map so that if you were to imagine jumping into it, the features would lie in the same direction both on the map and in your surroundings. 4. Best Overall. Put the compass anywhere on top of the map. The techniques employed when using the lensatic compass are as follows: a. 3. To use the terrain to orient a map, you must be familiar with symbols used on the map. Whenever the luminous magnetic arrow lines up with the luminous short line, you're following your intended azimuth. Well adjust it to account for the declination of our compass. 4. Open the compass all the way so that the cover locks into position against the base, forming a straightedge along the left side. But heres the catch: depending on where you are on the planet, the angle of declination varies. At least, I never saw him with one. The how to orient a map using a compass is a skill that can be used in the outdoors. Take that bearing and plot it on the map using the technique explained above. Use your thumb to pull the thumb ring back about halfway. Lensatic compasses aremade upof three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. Step 3 Use one of two techniques to orientate the map. A lensatic compass is often referred to as a military compass, and is typically used by the U.S. Military. is also used to follow a course over the ground, orient or set a map, and determine position of objects in. Map Reading and Land Navigation: FM 3-25.26. You discover that it has a bearing of 176. Determine your position on the map and set the compass edge over it. US $10.58 orient yourself to a map and follow a course over land The lensatic compass is used to set course bearings Instructions for Lensatic compass Open the lensatic compass so that the cover is at a 90 degree angle and the lens bracket is at a 30 degree angle to the case Lensatic Compass. It has its advantages and disadvantages over the orienteering compass. To orient the map, first: Line up the edge of the compass with the edge of the map, or. You now have your target's bearing. When you return from using your lensatic compass, take it apart as much as possible to detect any moisture. Shows how to use the USGI issue lensatic compass to orient the map, plot a course based on two well-defined. Program, Strengthen Your Tribe: A Report on the Atomic Athlete Vanguard, The Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers! The two basic techniques for using the lensatic compass . How To Get Your Map and Compass To Face the Same Direction. PART 1 Basic Land Navigation. With the thumb loop all the way down under the compass, put the thumb of one hand all the way inside the loop, and place the index finger of that same hand along one side of the compass. Step One: Take a Compass Bearing on the Ground. The bezel clicks as it moves--three degrees for every click. Your email address will not be published. Draw a line on the map at 130 degrees from Saddle Mountain. Compass adjusted for declination. Come on in and save lots of money! Improve your reading skills with the KWL Method Compass 101 - How to Use a Baseplate Compass Buying a Compass for Land Naviga-tion Basic Navigation with a Compass and a Map How to orient a map and take a . Lay your compass on the map and line up its edge with a known landmark. Hand placement: Insert your thumb through the thumb loop and the index finger along the compass. Lay the map out flat in front of you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); MyOpenCountry is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Turn the map and compass until the needle on the compass aligns with the north-south grid lines on the map. 3.Rotate the map and compass until the directions of the declination diagram formed by the black index line and the compass needle match the direction shown in the . Position of the point. Lastly, the reading lens also helps cover the compass and folds out; this is where the term lensatic comes from. To find directions from your map, you're going to need a protractor, a special instrument used for measuring angles. Instead of using your compasss arrow, youll align your needle with the tape arrow. Get your own customized topographical maps, built according to your specifications. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While some elements of the navigation process are similar to using a baseplate compass, there are also slight differencesincluding how you hold a lensatic compass. Step 3: Find a path that leads to the horizon. On the other hand, wrap the fingers around the three fingers below the compass. Position the eyepiece at a 45-degree angle to the . Want a free ebook on Land Navigation? Magnetic north would be slightly to your right, or east, by about 14. We need to compensate for the compass now that weve placed it on the map so that we can appropriately orient and travel. Learn to navigate using a topographic map and a compass. Orient the map to the terrain. What wildlife can you see at Yellowstone National Park? If you don't, visit the page just hyperlinked. Once you are physically at your starting location, it's time to put your compass to good use. Keep it in a case, or wrapped up in a thick cloth to prevent those damages. There you go. This can be done either by (1) rotating the map the requisite number of degrees east or west or (2) holding the baseplate firmly, rotate the compass housing to the correct number of degrees west or east to account for the declination. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. a. Heres our step-by-step guide to the most straightforward. 5. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). orient a map to the ground by map-terrain association, Sunday Firesides: Become an Evangelist . 6. When you do know exactly where you are in relation to your map, you have your point position.. 2. Lensatic compasses are made up of three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. Place the compass flat on the map with the travel arrow pointed in the general direction of north and one of the base plate's long edges linking your location and your destination; you may need a straight-edge to make the connection, depending on the map's scale and the distance to be covered. Line your lensatic compasss base plate up with the maps north-south lines. Open the cover completely and pull back the rear sight. 3. c. There are two methods of holding the lensatic compass and sighting. You can see that the mountain is 24 degrees away from you. 3. Next month, well wrap off our series with a final briefing on how to navigate using MGRS coordinates, exactly like the military. With your bezel ring set, stand at your starting point and . To obtain a heading from our map, we may use our compass as a protractor. So in this installment, well go over the skills you need to do just that. Because my magnetic declination is 4E, Ill move the black arrow outline to the red hash marks next to E DECL.. Don't worry that your red orientating arrow doesn't point exactly map north. Related Tags. Magnetic north lines up exactly when youre on this line and facing true north. Note that we will be moving and adjusting the compass on the map. For bearings of 181 to 359 degrees, rotate the bezel clockwise. Determine the correct magnetic azimuth to the designated point within 3 degrees using the compass-to-cheek method, or within 10 degrees using the center-hold method. Lets return to Muir Woods as an example. Turn the little screw using a small screwdriver or the little metal piece that comes with your compass lanyard. Though GPS and smartphonesare reliable, its still vital to carry a compass, and know how to use it, as a backup or lifesaving form of navigation. Doing this quick visual sense check by examining the surrounding terrain is to triple-check that your readings arent out by 180 degrees and to make sure the map is always aligned with your compasss north-pointing (and usually red) magnetic arrow i.e. That has the potential to make a significant impact! Look through the sighting slot and find some target (a tree, boulder, whatever) that lines up with your sighting wire. If you dont start out using your lensatic compass with a map, then its just a regular compass. You want to go cross country directly to Devil's Wash Basin, a deep and beautiful lake you've heard a lot about. Flip your compass upside down. Above: For this example in the Grand Canyon, grid north ("GN") differs from true . "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you orient a map to ground? Determining a Bearing, or "Shooting an Azimuth", Using Your Compass Sights to "Shoot an Azimuth". Huzzah! Designate your starting and ending points on the map. But heres where things get tricky: the angle of declination changes depending where you are on the earth. He has climbed a handful of 6000ers in the Himalayas, 4000ers in the Alps, 14ers in the US, and loves nothing more than a good long-distance wander in the wilderness. The base is the compass dial, bezel, and the thumb loopthe thumb loop is used for stability to garner a more accurate reading. The instructions on this page might make orienting a map seem a highly technical thing. A lensatic compass is just one of the many navigational tools we have built. Orienting the Map with anOrienteering Compass. While this doesnt technically register as an electronic, were going to treat it like one. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until the luminous magnetic arrow is directly under the fixed black line. For this example, were going to go to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Picture 1: Map Declination. Well, youre going to have to do some math with all your bearings to make sure you get a true bearing. 3. Step 4: Walk along the path and make sure your compass always points North. When you point your compass towards true north, the needle will point slightly east. My magnetic declination is 4E, so Ill be moving the black arrow outline towards the red hash marks that are going towards E DECL.. The first step in orienting ourselves with our map and compass is to double-check that north on the map corresponds to north in our landscape. Leave your orientating arrow in line with the index line and the direction of travel arrow, as it will already be primed to point magnetic north. This video shows how to orient a map with a compass and briefly discusses magnetic declination. If you want to learn Land Navigation in detail, either buy a book; or get someone, who has the knowledge and skills, to teach you in person. To make sure you receive a correct bearing, youll have to perform some arithmetic with all of your bearings. There was a problem. 1. The My Open Country name is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Make an "L" shape with the index finger and thumb of your other hand. B. See the line labeled the agonic line? 1. It. At Advnture, we never head out into the backcountry without a map and compass. Take your compass and turn the compass housing (bezel) until the red orientating arrow is in line with the direction of travel arrow. Ymiko Compass Survival,Compass For Kids,Compass Hiking Durable Shockproof Waterproof Brass Camping Tools For Navigation Outdoor. Now its time to use the lens. So, if you know where you are on the map, look ahead and see what features you can see. Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download We can find out easily enough, though. How to Use a Compass to Get Your Bearings. The mils are in black, and are the outer measurements on the ring. The United States military needs to know how to navigate on land when all digital systems fail. Its 310 degrees in reference to you, as you can see. Check to see if the north directional arrow is inline with the arrow/line of the compass. Pros . Then, slide your compass around so that its edge passes through the landmark on the map, while the orienting arrow continues to point north. A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis.

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how to orient a map using a lensatic compass