wordpress header image not showing on all pages

Do you have to have a certain plugin to have it show up? This tells us the plugin is doing its job by adding the default featured image to the right posts and leaving out the ones that already have featured images. In the Astra theme, launch the edit screen of your desired page and expand the Astra settings tab from the bottom right corner. Next, enter the custom code in the 'Header' section. The theme doesnt allow for featured images, or you have to turn them on through the theme settings. Not all themes have the same featured image settings. We'll get back to you in one business day. Figuring out the optimal dimensions before uploading the images allows you to minimize instances where the featured image gets stretched out or cropped strangely. It also works well with page builders like Gutenberg and Elementor. You would usually find the featured image right below the title and above the first line. We recommend only using a media hosting platform, or maybe another website host that you own yourself. Visit our Facebook page; Visit our Twitter account; Visit our Instagram account; Visit our LinkedIn account Wrong file permission or ownership. 3. Other times, you may notice that a theme presents a featured image in a different spot than whats expected. Alternatively, you may find yourself in the older version of the WordPress editor. Unfortunately, you discover that the featured image doesnt look quite as nice as you had hoped it would. For this section, well show you how to activate the Open Graph markup with two of the most popular SEO plugins: AIO (All In One) SEO and Yoast SEO. Feel free to go back and choose more images if you missed any. Its also possible to locate all images on your WordPress site by going to the Media Library. If youre still having problems, go to SEO > Social in the WordPress dashboard. This article shows you how you can fix WordPress featured images not showing properly on your website. Some non-WordPress image editing tools you can use are GIMP, Photoshop Express, and Paint.NET. Wordpress - How to show header on every page? - Stack Overflow All other image editing tools are located above the featured image preview. The Link Preview area shows you exactly what your post will look like if you, or someone else, shares it on Facebook. Overall, its best to opt for a plugin that optimizes your images on a third-party server. Thats a sure-fire way to eliminating legal problems. The Quick Featured Images plugin handles bulk editing for featured images along with a myriad of other functionalities, like adding a default featured image for all posts or setting presets for default featured images. I later deactivated the plugin, but that hasn't made a difference. Or if the featured image fails to show up on social media, but its working fine on your website. Still, its far easier to know the core approaches to featured images to minimize problems in the first place. Be sure to Save the settings after youre done. That means therere no settings to look at or change before it working its magic. You should now see a thumbnail of that image for all posts that dont have featured images already uploaded. This way, youre able to copy and paste them easily into the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool. Select one of your blog posts that dont already have a featured image. Click the Background Image section of the Customizer panel. Sometimes the best solution is to install a plugin and hope that it provides the features needed to fix everything. You can click on the Scrape Again button or simply refresh the page and paste your post URL in the field once more. Did we miss anything important? Three options are available for you to bulk edit the featured images: Choose the right option depending on what youre trying to achieve. We also recommend you host your site with a company that takes malware seriously and provides a malware security pledge. Visuals can be decisive in your content marketing plan. Therefore, it could help with issues you may see with upload size restrictions or even if your permissions arent set properly. Home page Header image not appearing - GeneratePress Check out our post on the 10 best places to find free images for WordPress, no strings att, Get started, migrations, and feature guides. You can also do this with pages or click on the All Posts option if you're interested in adding a featured image to a previously generated post. Its settings are located in the WordPress Media Settings, but you have only one field you to fill out. THANKS Its also common to see varying degrees of featured image problems. We recommend checking boxes for the Title, URL, and Description. Again, Kinsta bans many Open Graph plugins, including this one. Below well cover every problem we know of when it comes to featured images and outline the steps you can take to fix them. You have to call the header too. Hi Tre, we guess that the Featured Image block has been turned off in your view. The following page explains which current featured images will be replaced by the future featured image you specified from before. You may discover that your theme does well with slightly wider or shorter featured images. Scroll down the list of settings to locate the Preferences option. You can check out the additional-features available in the theme. Therefore, we recommend using tools for cropping, compressing, and resizing before opting to increase your PHP memory limit. The only time youll find that its okay to share an image on your website for free is when you pull from a website like Pexels or Unsplash. We covered this solution already in the previous section, yet it fits well in the best practices, too. If you see the same photo under the Featured Image tab and in your content, thats causing the problem! I installed the plugin: "Options for Twenty Seventeen" and made some changes to my site. WordPress Featured Image Not Showing: Causes and 7 Solutions The featured image is prone to human error, considering the page or post author must manually upload a featured image whenever creating a new webpage. Go to Posts > Add New to create a new blog post. Unfortunately, we cant walk you through the solutions to these issues as it requires you to either look into the theme settings or contact the theme developer. This way, youre not limiting your sites resources with too many large photos. WordPress added the Cover block to its Gutenberg editor only recently. Regardless, select an image, or multiple images, by holding down the Shift key while choosing the images, and click the Choose Images button to proceed. If your featured image problems dont stem from a misunderstanding of the upload process, continue reading. Besides, any image you use on your site, including featured images, shouldnt be that large, to begin with. Finally, the featured image shows up automatically when you create a feed or gallery of your blog posts or other webpages. However, you also want to use photos that actually look good, so you should still shoot for high-resolution photos as much as possible. In this module, you can select multiple images from your Media Library. Choose the Facebook option and scroll down to locate the field to Enable Open Graph Markup. Now, go to Settings > Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags. The next part is the most important element since it activates the featured images in the Latest Posts block. The following screenshot shows a post working well on Facebook since it includes a summary of the post content, with a link, the title, and the featured image. Therefore, it serves as a backup to the real featured image field, just in case you forget to upload the featured image but still want something to show up. These dont control your featured image, but they show up right below the featured image, so its important for displaying the content. For simplicity, well stick to uploading featured images to regular WordPress posts and pages but if youre interested in learning more, heres a complete WooCommerce SEO guide that covers this & everything else, including Schema Markup up for your products and more. It promises to make the featured image upload process a little easier for website owners. Keep in mind that the initial Select page in the Quick Featured Images plugin offers a wide range of actions to take with your featured images. Pay for photos on sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. After that, youre able to insert the new version of that image into a post, page, as a featured image, or wherever you want it to show on your site. Here, you can set everything for the Open Graph sharing protocol, yet specific unique traits for Facebook only. It helps with cleaning out those posts where you forgot to add a featured image or, at some point, removed it due to the original featured image not holding up to your standards. Hence, many hosts, and WordPress itself, define a maximum upload file size. The wrong featured image is showing up on Facebook. In this tutorial, we have a page called Homepage. Yours may have a different name depending on what youve named it. The thumbnail images arent showing up as the right sizes. As promised, three choices appear when uploading an image through a Kinsta-hosted website: Choose one based on whether or not you have your own photos and where theyre stored. The true advantage of a plugin like OG is that it doesnt require any configuration after the installation. However, you still may see a vague error, as the following HTTP error. message. The only problem is that it doesnt tell you which of your Media Library images have been previously uploaded as featured images. Thats a problem, so follow the steps below to ensure your featured image is always ready to go for social sharing. It also helps break up the monotony of text and adds life to your content. Our last option for turning on the Open Graph protocol to reveal featured images is called the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags plugin. You may have to switch it from Page to Block. The longest list of the most common WordPress errors and how to quickly fix/troubleshoot them (continuously updated). Here, youll see a Progress Bar at the top of the page. If the goal is to have no featured image, you can remove it altogether. However, you may find that the theme has removed featured images in the coding, and it doesnt have any additional tools to override the lack of featured images. If the featured image is showing on Facebook, then theres a good chance it also appears on other social sites. In that case, you should keep the photo under the Featured Image area and delete the one in the articles content editor. Every hosted image, including featured images, has metadata crawled by the search engines to figure out what your post or page is all about. Its also prudent to understand what types of photos work well as featured images, seeing how it may be the original photos causing the issues to begin with. In the WordPress Customizer, click the Change button for the Active Theme Select the Twenty Fifteen theme or another theme you want to use that supports and displays a background image. Fix wordpress images missing after migration easily - Bobcares Update: finally used WordPress reset plugin and cleared everything out. It takes every URL on your site and exports them into a simple document. Click the featured image thumbnail to access its various settings. Once thats all said and done, click on the Debug button to process all URLs in the list and make it so that the featured images, and all other relevant post data, appear when shared on Facebook. At some point, you may realize that several old posts could use new featured images. Its a good practice to know which photos look good on WordPress. If you find yourself in this situation, we recommend returning to the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool and clicking on the Batch Invalidator option. If you switch it to the Thumbnail option, those images shrink slightly and usually become perfect squares. Think about using the built-in image editing tools in WordPress for featured images that are already uploaded but could use some changes. Here, you need to fill in fields like the Description Length, Homepage Description, and Default Description. Topic: Header image does not appear. | WordPress.com Forums Yet, leaving your larger, high-resolution photos in their original formats will surely cause loading problems. Added a featured image and it was finally appearing. Next up, click on the Facebook Open Graph tab. You can also configure settings to have a default Post Image Source, like pulling the first image from a post or going with the Featured Image. For more such image optimization tips and tricks, read our in-depth image optimization guide. Simply having a header.php in your theme's folder will not output your header to the browser. Its used to show the start of a new section or an article. Many blind people are using the internet through screen readers. Your latest posts should appear wherever you placed the block on your homepage. Consider any WordPress issues that may be causing the problem with your featured image, like conflicts between plugins or a. Overall, the plugin has a field to paste in a URL from an image and insert that image into the featured image slot. To add content to your homepage, and to adjust the settings for the blog feed on that page, go to Pages > All Pages in the dashboard. These are the general settings for all social media sharing, making sure Facebook and Twitter dont randomly select photos from your article or other places on your website. This might be the root of your featured image problems. Featured images break for various reasons, and its often on a case-by-case basis. Editing a featured image in WordPress is often the easiest and quickest way to resolve an issue with a featured image thats too large or needs some cropping done. body a.novashare-ctt{display:block;background:#00abf0;margin:30px auto;padding:20px 20px 20px 15px;color:#fff;text-decoration:none!important;box-shadow:none!important;-webkit-box-shadow:none!important;-moz-box-shadow:none!important;border:none;border-left:5px solid #00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt:hover{color:#fff;border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt:visited{color:#fff}body a.novashare-ctt *{pointer-events:none}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-tweet{display:block;font-size:18px;line-height:27px;margin-bottom:10px}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-container{display:block;overflow:hidden}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta{float:right}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-cta-left .novashare-ctt-cta{float:left}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-text{font-size:16px;line-height:16px;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon{margin-left:10px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon svg{vertical-align:middle;height:18px}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple{background:0 0;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;color:inherit}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt{background:#f9f9f9;padding:20px;color:#404040}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover{border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#008cc4}WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? But what if the featured images arent showing on the blog page? As always, we recommend backing up your WordPress site before making edits to the code. This means that youve turned off a setting on your dashboard to reveal the Featured Images column. The Preferences module includes a wide range of options for a document. This is still common for many pages, or you may have rolled back the Gutenberg editor to use the old editor instead. Header not showing on all pages - Catch Themes We recommend experimenting with the content settings, like showing Post Content, Display Author Name, or Display Post Date. Themes and plugins are some of the more common reasons featured images fail or get blocked. The big question is whether or not the featured image for a post gets rendered properly when you share a link on Facebook. I looked at the Graphene theme and didn't see anything in the theme which would do that so it's probably a plugin. This means that as long as you click Save Draft or Publish, the image remains active on that post until you remove it. The most common ones are: Incorrect home and site URL. A Cover block, in contrast, is housed in the Gutenberg Block Library, which is accessible by clicking on an Add Block button in the editor. Some of WordPress built-in image editing features include: The Crop tool is usually the most important, so click on that to activate the edit module. Select the image you like, then click on the Choose Image button. Note: You can upload WordPress featured images to posts and pages, but that basic rule expands once you start adding things like WooCommerce product pages and custom post types. You are not familiar with PHP so you can use this plugin for the header image. A big part of making sure featured images look right is to understand the best practices before uploading them to your WordPress site. Theyre all telling you that Facebook is either having trouble accessing the Open Graph data from your website, or theres no Open Graph data, to begin with. How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress - WPBeginner WordPress Featured Image Not Showing Properly (Or Not At All), WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? A first page header\footer. For instance, the Image Size field tells your website how large to make those featured images in the list or gallery. Problematic WordPress themes or plugins. A theme or plugin usually defines it. Theyre vital to help your post or page move up the rankings. It is working fine for mobile and tablet. Auto Featured Image even has a bulk featured image generation tool. Talk with our experts by launching a chat in the MyKinsta dashboard. Furthermore, theres an option in the Edit Image panel that lets you revert to the original dimensions whenever you want. Then well go deeper into other errors. Maybe you encounter one of the following: Luckily, WordPress already includes a wide range of photo editing tools for you to ensure the featured image looks professional. You have the option to choose one and click the Set Featured Image button. Itll avoid causing problems with your own server. Lets take a look at the basic differences between cover and featured images. A lazy loading plugin may be preventing the featured image from showing up or loading quickly. This section is outputting a style with a .site-header background image with a relative url; and is overwriting whatever it outputed before with the conditional is_page() codes. Scroll down on that panel and open the Featured Image dropdown item. It may sound silly to some, but many WordPress beginners dont know how to upload a featured image in the first place.

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wordpress header image not showing on all pages